Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 7

January 4, 2025

Of course I found a board game named after crocodiles. Welcome to Crokinole!

This game makes the perfect holiday gift for the family, as it gives the whole family something fun and social to do during the holidays. How often have you come home for the holidays to hang out with your family but there's nothing to do?

The beauty of this game is that it's stupidly simple and intuitive, such that anyone can play, but it's got nuance and is not easy to master. Crokinole is like a more accessible, portable version of curling.

I recommend buying a board for your house or your family. Here are some boards at various price points:

(affiliate links)

You can find more cool board designs here: Crokinole Boards

The more expensive boards have higher quality, slickers surfaces for better action, and better wood and bumpers. That's why they are expensive.

January 4, 2025


January 4, 2025

The word grifter is overused these days, but Tai Lopez is the epitome of a stage Orange grifter.

This is the kind of bullshit that I hope my work helps you to see right through — these kinds of people, this kind of mentality. You want to ground your life in something more real and profound than a fake $100M dollar mansion.

January 3, 2025

This is my most accurate game so far, with a 90% accuracy/2000-elo level of play. Fischer Random. I played white against a 1700-rated bot. A very even game with a deadly endgame. Very pleased with this one.

January 3, 2025


January 2, 2025

Another Fischer Random game of mine. I played white against a 1700-rated bot.

January 2, 2025


January 2, 2025

New legislation is finally ending the hiding of casino resort fees — which are a plague in Las Vegas and such places. This is thanks again to the Biden administration's pro-consume stance, which will be gutted in the Trump administration. The Trump admin will do everything possible to eliminate as many consumer protections as they can. Why? Because that's what corruption is. Every eliminated consumer protection yields some corporate donor billions. The US government will soon be for sale to the highest bidder. This is yet another example of how right-wing populism is bullshit. Right-wing populism is just a Trojan Horse for corporatism and oligarchy.

Read About It Here

Casino resort fees are a prime example of sneaky forms of theft.

Nightclubs in Las Vegas also steal your money through hidden "service fees" which add as much as 30% to the price. The hiding of these junk fees is being banned too.


January 1, 2025


December 30, 2024

I created a Part 2 of my popular music playlist. This update is massive and epic, with nearly 250 amazing tunes. Each tune was hand-selected by me after searching for 4 years across like thousands of songs. Finding these tunes took hundreds of hours of work. This is the best of the best. You won't find this anywhere else. Many of these tunes are obscure and unknown.

Leo's Music Playlist - Part 2

In case you missed it, here's Part 1.

Part 1 got 250,000 views. Part 2 is even better. This list alone is easily worth $1000. You get it for free just by following this blog.