3 Years of Progress... in 3 Months!
Super-charge your results with coaching from someone who personally field-tests tens of thousands of dollars of the best self-help theory.
- Do you feel stuck, but know you have a ton of untapped potential?
- Is there a dream you've wanted to pursue but can't figure out how?
- Do you want to have a big, positive impact in the world?
- Are you struggling to motivate yourself?
- Do you hate the idea of living an ordinary life?
- Is fear, disappointment, regret, or indecisiveness holding you back?
- Do you keep falling off track in making big positive changes, like starting a business?
- Are you disappointed in your current job, just itching for something more meaningful?
It doesn't have to be this way. We can put you on fast-track towards a rewarding, engaging life.
Let me guess, when you're not sharing your true genius and gifts with the world your life feels like a drag. Yup! Guess how I know. Right, cause I've been stuck in that place for years. Then I commited myself to finding a permanent solution. After I transformed my entire life in just 4 years, I made it my life's work to share my strategies with people like you, who want to live up to their full potential.
In just a few sessions we can get you feeling optimistic and excited about life again. We can put you on track with your highest goals. We can equip you with clarity, motivation, tools, knowledge, and a deep understanding of yourself. You can learn proven mindsets for how to start creating an extraordinary life right now.
Results, Results, Results!
I want to personally coach you for amazing results. No bullshit. No empty promises. No New-Age mumbo-jumbo. No arm-chair philosophizing. I will give you profound insights and the absolute best strategies for dominating in career, business, and life.
I'm not talking about a measly 20% improvement. I will show you how to be 500%, 1000%, 5000% more productive and fulfilled. The power of the strategies I've personally discovered over the last 5 years of my journey can transform your life in ways that your imagination cannot even fathom.
The methods I share with you will be so powerful, the biggest limiting factor in the results you achieve will be your imagination. I'm not kidding. We will actually have to spend time expanding what your conditioned imagination thinks is possible for you!
What You Can Expect From Coaching:
- Clarity about your purpose in life
- Strategies for moving towards your goals quickly
- Increased motivation and discipline
- Mindsets and tools to be MUCH more resourceful
- Knowledge and skills to coach yourself out of future blocks
- Courage to pursue your dream project or job
- To discover hidden potential you didn't know you had
- Control over your mind to create the life you desire
- Increased productivity and creativity
- Techniques to control negative emotions like fear and stress so they never hold you back
- Drive to take massive action in a fun, exciting way
- Personal growth that would otherwise take you years
- Self-discovery: clarity about who you are, what you value, where you're going
- Expert tips on books, videos, tools, and seminars that will save you $1000's
- More balance across all parts of your life: work, health, family, social life, mental development
- Solid long-range plans for your: career, business, and personal development
- Better communication skills to handle: family, employees, boss, or coworkers
- Encouragement, support, and accountability
- An amazing life-long friend
How You Will Feel From Coaching:
- Excited, alive, and energized: eager to jump out of bed every morning
- Proud of the impact your work has on the world
- Inspired and motivated to take action
- Successful and accomplished
- Financially secure
- Free from fear, doubt, frustration, regret, laziness, negativity, anguish, and sadness
- Confident and clear about your purpose in life
- Optimistic and positive about your future
- Focused, centered, and highly conscious
- Powerful and well-equipped to take on huge challenges
- Deeply fulfilled, joyful, and at peace
Are you up for it?
Wake up!!!
I'm serious! Your time on this Earth is quickly coming to an end! Do you want to sit on your ass and daydream, or do you want to get this part of your life handled? How much longer are you going to tolerate the misery of settling for less than your best? How many regrets will you have 5, 10, 20 years from now if you don't step up? You can't say you didn't know better. I just took away that excuse!
I'm not a salesman, but I feel completely comfortable hard-selling you right now because I know your reptilian brain wants to be lazy and put this off. I also know that if you do, your life will be so much less than it could be. I would be negligent if I didn't rattle your cage and a scream in your face that my coaching can radically improve your success and fulfillment in life.
Why Work With Me?
I know coaches. There are many great coaches out there, but most coaches only coach. Few of them have COMMITTED THEIR WHOLE LIFE to researching original answers and field-testing theory. Few of them are as committed as me to demonstrating extraordinary personal results in their own lives.
I do x10 more research and testing than coaching, and that's how it should be. I am a RESULTS-CREATING MACHINE for myself and I pass on my discoveries on to you.
This means less wishy-washy therapy talk — e.g., How do you feel about that? — and more laser-targeted strategies that actually address the real challenges your face. Every challenge you face, I try to face. Every challenge that keeps you stuck, I've helped clients overcome. I can quickly tell you what does and doesn't work.
How to Get Started
Shoot me an email right now. For a limited time you can get a FULL 50-minute coaching session with me. No strings attached. I actually spend time coaching you. This is not a pared-down session where I up-sell you.
Email me RIGHT NOW to schedule complimentary session! This offer is only good while coaching slots are available. My schedule only allows me to work with 5-10 clients at a time maximum. I'm also picky about who I take on. I like to work with exceptional people. But if you're interested, definitely contact me.

- Redesign your life to align with your purpose
- Mindsets and tools for exceptional success
Testimonials From Real Clients
What real clients have to say about my coaching:
I didn't know much about life coaching before starting with Leo so I went into it a little skeptical. I can safely say that after going through dozens of sessions over nearly 7 months, I am very, very glad I did. Leo has an uncanny knack for isolating problems, finding the root source behind them, and fixing them at their root rather than applying a quick fix patch, insuring a long term solution.
Since I started with Leo I've noticed improvements in many facets of my life, from simple things like the way I think or approach problems or obstacles, to larger, more long term issues pertaining to my career and success. I'll be sticking around for many more sessions to come and would recommend Leo to anyone seeking a coach.
- Daniel Haddad (Gainesville, Florida)
Leo is a very dedicated and insightful coach. He has some extremely good clarity of insight and helps you so that you can make your own revelations about your own life. When I came to him about career counseling, he helped me better understand my goals and motivations. He does this in such a way that it feels very natural and intuitive. After our sessions, I felt energized by having someone else help sort through my own thoughts and actions.
I have been able to apply some of the guidance already, and it has been very helpful in understanding the development of my career (as well as other areas of my life). Leo will do what it takes to make sure that his clients are successful in understanding their goals, and ultimately achieving them. I would highly recommend working with Leo.
- Mike Rapp (Fort Worth, Texas)
Leo is becoming a great guide for my life. He brings a tremendous wealth of knowledge in many practical topics of self-improvement as well as a style of formal/professional coaching that is second to none. I've had multiple coaches in my life and Leo has been by far the longest tenured and most impactful in terms of results I've achieved.
I consider Leo a close friend and mentor and through his guidance I've been able to move the needle, get massive clarity and really motivate myself when I often found it most difficult.
I would highly recommend him to someone who's motivated to work (he will not tell you what to do) and answer your own questions from within with his observations and great coaching.
- Kurt Yazici (NY, New York)
How Coaching Works
Coaching can lead to BIG breakthroughs that stick!
I coach over the phone in weekly, 50-minute sessions. There are a lot of reasons why coaching works but it basically boils down to three things:
- Asking questions that probe your core, your identity
- Laying out reasonable plans for you to take action
- Holding you accountable for follow-through
My approach also includes a lot of first-hand experience, cutting-edge techniques, and personal self-help expertise. My coaching philosophy is to equip you with the mindsets and concepts you need to solve problems on your own. The goal is to make you more self-sufficient. We do this by building up your INNER GAME.
My goal is to help you get excited about the direction of your life. One of the greatest feelings in life is that "Oh shiiiit!" moment when you know you've exceed your own expectations. I want to help you feel this more consistently.
Inner vs Outer Game
If you've ever tried to create a positive change in your life or realize a big dream, you've probably also fallen off track. You may have picked up a self-help program or how-to book with lackluster results. Why? Because to create lasting change you need to change who you are at the core — your inner game.
What are your goals in life? What do you really want?
Let's take a look at some of the most common goals people have:
- More money
- More time
- More impact
- More recognition
- More love
- More health
- More friends
- More freedom
- More control
- More peace of mind
- More security
- More adventure
Most people fail because they completely ignore inner game, simply trying to brute-force their way through problems.
Whatever it is, I can assure you that developing your inner game is THE GREATEST KEY towards getting it and keeping it. To create effective, sustainable action in the real world you must explore and change how you think. This process, carried out consistently in all areas of your life, leads to lasting success and fulfillment.
Inner versus Outer Game. Let's make this distinction clear right now. Take for example a goal like losing 50 pounds. Inner game includes all the thoughts, beliefs, feelings, attitudes, and strategies you have towards losing weight. Outer game includes all the actions you take in the external world towards losing weight.
Outer game of losing 50 pounds:
- Hiring a personal trainer
- Counting calories
- Buying workout equipment
- Trashing all junk food from your pantry
- Researching fitness books
- Finding a tennis partner
- Taking supplements
- Scheduling time in your calendar
Inner game of losing 50 pounds:
- Building a habit of going to the gym
- Generating the willpower to lift that last set
- Understanding why losing weight is important for you
- Building up momentum so you don't burn out
- Coming up with a strategy to resist your sweet-tooth
- Changing the way you think about health food vs junk food
- Not giving into peer pressure at the office to eat donuts
- Feeling proud after a good workout
- Finding a way to make exercise fun
- Understanding the obstacles that might trip you up
- Creating and holding a clear vision of what you want to look like in 3 months
- Setting realistic expectations for what it will take to get results
The question is, which of these will be MORE responsible to your ultimate success in dropping 50 pounds? Most people assume it's outer game, but you cannot sustain success without giving proper attention to inner game.
While outer game is important to accomplish anything, inner game is almost always the true bottleneck. Most people simply ignore it and try to brute-force their way through problems. If you've ever tried but failed at starting a business, getting a promotion, taking up meditation, losing weight, eating healthier, quitting smoking, or making any positive change in your life then you've felt how lack of inner game did you in.
Sometimes your inner game can be so bad that it prevents you from even seeing the possibilities, literally making you blind to avenues of improvement. It makes you feel like a victim of life. In such cases, no amount of forced behavior will be enough to make a lasting change. You will try and try and try but eventually fail because WHO you are on the inside hasn't changed.
Even if you're a positive thinker, if I ask you to dream of your greatest possible self right now, you will probably come up with a "safe" vision that limits you in innumerable ways. Why? Because you are limited by your internal beliefs.
I'm driven to understand how to maximize fulfillment out of life. What I've found, and what's been proven again and again by science, self-help gurus, and Eastern philosophy, is that to create an amazing life — one where you have meaning, impact, fulfillment, and peace — you must gain control over yourself. This is done by cultivating inner game: it's not WHAT you do, but WHO you are and HOW YOU THINK!
I want to help you develop an inner game that allows you to...
- Have massive positive impact in the world
- Feel good emotions consistently (excitement, pride, happiness, etc.)
- Manage negative emotions easily
- Take action effortlessly
The Process
To achieve that kind of impact you want, you have to take full responsibility and develop yourself on a massive level. Without mastering yourself, you cannot master the world. Here's what it takes to create the kind of life you want:
Self-Discovery: Really getting to the bottom of who you are, what you value, what you want and don't want, where your talents lie, and what your strengths and weakness are. All of this must be clarified in detail and reinforced until you are 100% congruent, so your life represents the authentic you.
Life Purpose: Find your life calling, clarify it completely and drill down to make it specific, visualize and test it until it's so deeply ingrained in your skull that nothing can take you off track and you are 110% engaged and motivated. Now you start to feel excited.
Emotional Development: Yes, emotions! Understanding emotions, building EQ, and learning to manage your emotions allows you to stay on track with your dreams. Improving your capacity to experience a broader range of emotions gives you greater fulfillment.
Mental Development: Building a solid psychology of success. Setting up mindsets, habits, and beliefs that strengthen your mind, making you more resourceful, flexible, powerful, and confident.
- Set proper expectations.
- Get past the fear of starting something new and push your comfort zone
- Become a positive thinker and use the law of attraction
- Get stuff done in an enjoyable, effortless way
- Be present and mindful
- Be more creative and productive
- Eliminate negative habits and negative personality traits
- Get into flow and stay in flow more consistently
- Feed your love for education, truth, and knowledge
- Be in a state of high-consciousness more consistently
- Replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones
Taking Massive Action: Becoming an effective executor. Methodically designing your gameplans, setting up smart goals, building a resourceful environment, taking action, tracking follow-through, and calibrating to feedback.

- Redesign your life to align with your purpose
- Mindsets and tools for exceptional success
Why Work with Leo
Experience: I've been where you are. I've had a purpose, lost my purpose, found it again, and evolved it to the next level, past plateaus. I've struggled with getting on track and staying on track, so I have intimate, first-hand experience with the nuances. I've faced all the same issues you do: lack of motivation, laziness, procrastination, fear, doubt, worry, limiting beliefs, destructive habits, etc.
Expert Training: I'm a professional certified life coach with over 200 hours of coach-specific training from one of the best training programs in the world: IPEC. On top of that I have 200+ hours of one-on-one coaching experience with real clients who've struggled with career development, life purpose, relationships, work/life balance, and general dissatisfaction.
I've processed $100,000+ worth of self-help material and spent 100's of hours of trial and error solving these problems for myself.
Results-Oriented: I coach for real-world results. I develop my own models and synthesize mountains of knowledge to ensure I have the most cutting-edge strategies to get you the results you want, fast.
Walking the Talk: I am a self-development guinea pig. I've studied over $100,000 worth of self-development material for 100's of hours, from books to seminars to watching my own behavior patterns and those of my clients. I do this first-and-foremost to achieve amazing results in my own life.
My results speak for themselves: I've launched several businesses, gained total financial independence, lost 65 lbs in 5 months, made several major career transitions, re-created my life purpose, reversed my struggles with dating and shyness, and increased my baseline level of happiness substantially through inner work. I continue to work on myself every day.
Scientific Approach: No woo-woo. No New-Age bullshit. I take a common-sense approach to coaching and self-development. I'm optimistic but rigorous. I test theories to make sure they work and have sound scientific backing.
Friendly, Hard-Working & Professional: I'm easy to talk to, diligent, honest, and responsive. I go above and beyond to make sure you get results.
Coaching Rates
Right now my first coaching session is 100% FREE. You get a FULL 50-minute session with no strings attached where I talk to you about any issue of your choice. We actually spend the time coaching. This is not a pared-down session where I up-sell you.
Take advantage of this offer of a free-first session right now because it will not be available in the future. My time is ever-limited given my research, speaking engagements, and writing projects.
* For best results you should be mentally prepared for at least 3 months of coaching.
* Yes, coaching is pricey. Please understand that my time is very limited and I coach very few clients.
Is it worth it? If you have a good salary, then YES! You will make all this money back (and more) in increased performance.
1 month of coaching
4 sessions over the phone with Leo.
3 months of coaching
12 sessions over the phone with Leo.
6 months of coaching
24 sessions over the phone with Leo.
Every plan comes with:
- Money-Back Guarantee: full 100% money-back guarantee.
- Bonus Material: assessments, exercises, worksheets, and videos.

100% Money-Back Guarantee
I'm so sure you'll love my coaching that I'm willing to give you a full, 100% Money Back Guarantee.
If you don't find my coaching valuable to you with the first 2 paid sessions, let me know and I'll refund your money. Just let me know why the coaching isn't working for you and what I can do in the future to improve my service.
Whatever your self-development challenges, desires, or needs, I want to make sure your resources are being put to the best possible use. I expect my clients to get at least 5-10 times return on investment over the long-run.
WARNING: Keep in mind that big changes are not automatic. Your goals will take time and work, and I cannot promise that you will earn x-amount of money or land your next promotion. My role is to guide you. You still have to do the work!

- Redesign your life to align with your purpose
- Mindsets and tools for exceptional success
Is Coaching Right for Me?
If you're mentally stable and want help with the types of issues I specialize in, we'll probably be a great match. I get along well with all types of people. Here are the types of clients I can and cannot work with.
Who I Can Work With
We'll work well together if you have at least 3 of the following characteristics:
- Intelligent: have brilliance and talents to share with others. Logical, practical, and scientific.
- Dedicated: willing to go through hardship to get what you want.
- Open-Minded: willing to try new things. Not a slave to culture, society, religion, or family.
- Growth-Oriented: willing to grow and recognize the importance of improving yourself.
- Open: willing to talk about personal, intimate issues. Have nothing to hide.
- Comfortable Being Challenged: want a coach who challenges you and asks for your best.
- Value Impact: have a strong desire to make a contribution, help others, or advance humanity.
- Creative: have a strong desire to create and to express yourself (not necessarily artistically).
- Sense of Urgency: know that life is short, so you need to start moving towards your goals.
- Value Emotions: want to experience richer emotions and willing to talk about it.
Who I CANNOT Work With
Coaching is NOT suitable for you if you any of the following:
- You can't afford coaching.
- You have a serious mental disorder like: clinical depression, anxiety panic attacks, bipolar disorder, OCD, schizophrenia, eating disorders, PTSD, etc.
- You have a drug or alcohol addiction.
- You are dealing with serious trauma like rape or physical abuse.
- You cannot control your anger.
- You are dogmatically religious.
- You don't have time to devote at least 1 hour/wk to coaching + 1 hour/wk for homework.
- You are forgetful and untimely, repeatedly missing calls.
- You don't have a high quality phone or internet connection.
If you're looking to inject more excitement into your life and get on track towards having that big kind of impact you've always dreamed of, contact me right now! Do NOT put this off!

- Redesign your life to align with your purpose
- Mindsets and tools for exceptional success