Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 77

August 29, 2019

August 23, 2019

Let's do a little critical philosophy. First, watch Slavoj Zizek's video critique of Buddhism. Then watch my point-by-point rebuttal. It's fun and you will gain some valuable insight doing this.

P.S. I am not a Buddhist and I have my own critiques of Buddhism which I didn't go into here.

August 22, 2019

I found this video insightful. According to this research, psychedelics are one of the only and the most powerful tools for personality change.

Of course this is not limited to psilocybin. All psychedelics lead to personality change. Especially the most powerful ones like 5-MeO-DMT, DPT, and N,N-DMT.

If you want serious personality change what you need is to not just a psychedelic trip, but specifically you need a psychedelic breakthrough. A breakthrough is not an ordinary trip. A breakthrough means that life as you knew it is over. You have gone beyond human life, beyond physical reality, beyond science, beyond religion, beyond memory, beyond language, beyond all teachings, beyond your birth. You have entered the realm of the impossible & the insane. Your entire paradigm of reality has been shattered to the point where you cannot even remember what the old paradigm was. You have escaped the labyrinth of your own mind. You have broken reality. You have left The Matrix. It is the most significant event in your life.

Don't worry, you'll know it once you're there.

August 21, 2019

August 20, 2019

A forum member (Ero) shared this video on our forum and I thought it was important share it with you all.

Most people today simply have no appreciation of what survival is like without a decent government. The following is what you get without government, courts, laws, police, regulations, infrastructure, roads, sewers, education, public health care, welfare, etc. This is the true "free market". This is what real freedom looks like. But are you sure you want it?:

Only when you appreciate the above do you understand why government is so crucial. And you see why consciousness cannot be raised en mass without high quality government & infrastructure. This romantic idea that you can just go be a monk somewhere in a cave is a childish fantasy. Reality is far more complex than that. Living in caves doesn't scale across thousands of people. If even only 1% of the population decided to live as monks in caves, there would be such a cave shortage that monks would be killing each other in the night to secure their caves such that the piles of corpses and garbage would rise so high as to block the sun.

The above is Spiral Dynamics stage Purple & Red at its unhealthiest.

August 19, 2019

August 18, 2019

I disagree with him on some fundamental points — he certainly doesn't understand nonduality, Buddhism, Love, or Spiral Dynamics — but he's an interesting and complex thinker that offers some serious good food for thought on political issues and collective human nature.

He's the entertaining and intellectually-stimulating kind of neurotic ;) You can find a bunch of his videos on YouTube just by searching his name. He makes some very good structural critiques of capitalism. He has a pretty good grasp of the devilry behind ideology. By studying his videos you can deepen your understanding of ideology. Which is a topic I talk about all the time, even if I don't always call it that.

I admire the authenticity of his neuroticism.

August 16, 2019

August 15, 2019

Some additional points to pair with my Self-Bias video.

August 13, 2019

"Nature doesn't need people, people need nature."

The world needs your conscious engagement. What are you waiting for?