Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 72

February 27, 2021

Listen to the following conversation and notice how different it feels compared to the typical sort of conversations you hear online, on social media, in the news, on TV, on podcasts, etc.

This is a Spiral Dynamics Tier 2 conversation. Notice its qualities of: selflessness, self-awareness, meta-ness, nuance, radical openmindedness, non-ideology, non-judgment, wisdom, non-survival-needs-oriented, etc.

Now imagine what you would have to change about yourself in order to hold this kind of conversation. Notice what personal survival needs and biases are holding you back from engaging in a conversation like this.

Notice that how you see mankind operating in most media, TV shows, news, political commentary, etc. is more animal-like than fully human. Humans are capable of a much higher kind of operation. When 99% of what you see in the media is mankind behaving like animals, it becomes hard to imagine that something higher is possible — but it is.

Really contemplate what this kind of conversation demonstrates about yourself and mankind at large. What would it take to get you to stop behaving and conversing like an animal?

February 24, 2021

Woke as fuck:

February 21, 2021

Which game are you playing?

February 20, 2021

Eye-opening new research:

Chemicals in plastics damage babies' brains and must be banned immediately, expert group says.

CNN Article

Of course it's not just plastics, heavy metals are even worse. Disorders like ADD, autism, brain fog, poor concentration, hormone imbalances, etc. are very much related to chemical toxins that get in your body and brain. So watch out. The younger they hit you, the more damage they will cause.

If your brain has these toxins in it you will not be able to do consciousness work effectively even if you try really hard. These toxins are like anti-psychedelics, they place a straight-jacket over your consciousness.

The good news is that there are ways to detoxify phthalates and heavy metals. I will share my protocols for detoxing heavy metals in the future. As for detoxing phthalates, you can do some research on that:

How To Detoxify Phthalates

How To Detoxify Plastics

February 19, 2021

I've accessed Infinite Consciousness many times in many different ways. The lower states of it look similar to your normal field of vision. But when your consciousness becomes way more infinite than that (yes, there are many degrees of more infinite), then it starts to look something like this:



If you think it's beautiful, you don't know how right you are. It is Infinite Beauty.

It feels as though the entire universe or "dream" converges into a pure abstract singularity of consciousness. And if you become even more conscious (yes, that's also possible), then even the colors unify together and the dancing motion freezes into a perfectly still, absolutely clear and formless infinite singularity. PURE INFINITY. It is so perfectly self-aware that it does not even have a form. At this point you become the 100% Godhead. There is no more life, no more death, no more world, no more people or other beings. You rest as absolute ONENESS & LOVE, FOREVER. It is a degree of enlightenment so total that it deletes the entire universe. Only near this point do you finally understand what reality/God really is. LOVE.

The problem is that the final state cannot be depicted because it is so totally formless. But the above image comes close to giving you a vibe of it. Imagine the above, but static and formless. This singularity contains within it every possible thing that would be dreamed or imagined. But in pure abstract potential, unactualized because it does not need to actualized because the actualization of it would diminish its Unity. This is a nonduality so total and perfect that it ends physical existence. And for the first time you feel COMPLETE. You've found what you've been search for your entire life but didn't know it: INFINITE LOVE.

This is the highest holon.

Good luck meditating or self-inquirying your way there. Maybe you can reach it with a serious dose of DMT or 5-MeO-DMT. But even that is doubtful.

February 19, 2021

"On the historical scale, the damages wrought by individual violence for selfish motives are insignificant compared to the holocausts resulting from self-transcending devotion to collectively shared belief-systems. It is derived from primitive identification instead of mature social integration; it entails the partial surrender of personal responsibility and produces the quasi-hypnotic phenomena of group-psychology.

It was not individual aggression which got out of hand, but devotion to the narrow social group with which the individual identified himself to the hostile exclusion of all other groups. It is the process we have discussed before: the integrative tendency, manifested in primitive forms of identification, serving as a vehicle for the aggressive self-assertiveness of the social holon.

To put it in a different way: to man, intra-specific differences have become more vital than intra-specific affinities; and the inhibitions which in other animals prevent intra-specific killing, work only within the group. In the rat it is the smell which decides who is friend or foe. In man, there is a terrifyingly wide range of criteria, from territorial possession through ethnic, cultural, religious, ideological differences, which decide who stinks and who does not."

Arthur Koestler

February 18, 2021

Very important video:

February 17, 2021

Check this out if you want a profound understanding of what's going on in society at the systemic level:

This is a some grade-AAA stage Yellow systems thinking. Notice its quality compared to typical discussions of politics you find on YT or in the news. This is the difference between Tier 1 and Tier 2 cognition.

Imagine how society would transform if 50% of the world started thinking at this level of sophistication and nuance. Everything would change. Part of my mission is to get people to start thinking more like this.

February 11, 2021

I don't subscribe to Hedges' pessimism, but I admire his perspective: