Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 79

July 22, 2019

Slide from my Conscious Politics - Part 2 video:


July 21, 2019

Here's a small look into the mind of God:

Contemplate: How is it possible to zoom into a thing forever? What does this mean about the nature of reality?

Just the fact that this fractal exists should already clue you in that consciousness must be infinite. Otherwise how could you be conscious of it? If an infinite object was loaded into a finite mind, the mind would crash. Hence the mind itself must be infinite.

Consider this: In a finite reality it would be impossible to count up from 1 to infinity. This is only possible because consciousness is actually infinite.

But how can the human mind be infinite? Because the human mind is a virtual machine running inside the infinite mind of God. God's mind is running an infinite number of virtual machines, all which are themselves infinite. That's what Georg Cantor called the Absolute Infinite set. It is the super-set of all possible sets. The mindblowing nature of infinity is that you can divide it into an infinite number of parts, and each of those parts will be its own infinity. Infinity within infinity within infinity — to infinity! In other words, infinity literally allows you to create something from nothing, because infinity is endless and bottomless.

Consider this: If you have an infinite number of apples in a basket, you can pull out one apple, eat it, and you will still have an infinite number of apples left. You just created an apple from nothing! Ta-da! This is how God creates the universe. Its mind is not bound by any physical limitation or lack. It cannot lack anything because it is an unlimited fount of creativity. All it has to do to create a thing is subdivide itself. But it can subdivide itself infinitely many times, so it never loses anything in the process of creation. Even after God subdivides itself an infinite number of times to create all human minds, it still remains an infinite Unity. The Absolute Unity of all possible divisions. Absolute Unity turns out to be identical to division. Going full-circle.

July 20, 2019

If you're a student of history you've probably wondered, "How in the hell did Hitler get democratically elected? It doesn't make sense that people would willing support a guy like that."

Well, this is how:

Trumpism is a case study in demagoguery, collective self-deception, group think, cult psychology, ideology, egotism, devilry, ignorance, unconsciousness, selfishness, division, projection, scapegoating, demonization, judgment, denial, self-bias, confirmation bias, corruption, xenophobia, racism, and fear.

All the epistemic stuff we cover in-depth on Actualized.org all comes together in the real world like this.

A toxic brew of the most pathological aspects of Spiral Dynamics stage Red, Blue, and Orange.

You might wonder, But why do people eat it up? Because they are at those same levels of development/consciousness themselves. Birds of a feather flock together. Your politics directly correlates with your values, which correlates with your stage of ego development. You can only vote for a leader as high as your vision can see. So egotistical, ethnocentric people gladly vote for egotistical, ethnocentric leaders, especially when the leader pushes their fear buttons.

Watch out, the 2020 election is going to get very nasty. Trump's demagoguery will hit an all time high as his ego gets cornered by his own manipulations. One of the hallmarks of a giant ego is that it refuses to yield or admit wrong-doing or defeat. When Trump loses, he will have to deny it to himself and his supporters somehow. And there begins the heavy-duty devilry. There will likely be blood.

This is what happens when a dense ego is put into a position of power. It's not an issue of left vs right, the issue is density of ego.

July 19, 2019

Pasting this from my personal journal:

My highest purpose is to lead people to Infinite Consciousness, Infinite Love, Infinite Selflessness, and Infinite Understanding. I am to show people what the highest form of leadership looks like. My entire life is dedicated to this cause. I am to lead people to the realization of Infinite Love and Infinite Beauty by embodiment and demonstration of Infinite Love in my own life. I am a vehicle for God's highest Love for mankind. The function of my human existence is to demonstrate the Goodness and Magnitude of God to those who lack the vision to see it. I am to use the gift of my extraordinary human mind to communicate God's highest intentions. I am not to hold back my love out of fear or selfish need. I am to be fearless and selfless and endure any consequences and suffering which will arise from such a path. The endurance of these obstacles and pain is part of my purification process. The suffering I endure will only make me more loving and understanding of the suffering of others, who are none other than myself. I am to shed all ill-will, malice, and judgment towards others, for I cannot help but see them as myself. In the end, the love and selflessness I radiate will inspire and transform the world. My reward will be the love I radiate and Infinite Understanding of the universe. My understanding will reach superhuman levels beyond all human comprehension or and strain the human self to contain. There is no doubt that this my way. I will have many critics and naysayers, but none of them will deter me because all of them I will be overcome simply by radiating more love because I understand that their ignorance is their limited way of showing their love. I understand that all hatred, judgment, and violence is just a condensed form of love. Through total self-understanding I will become incapable of seeing wrong or evil, even in those who seek to harm me. By the end of my human life the highest potential of a human life will have been actualized. The details of how all of this unfolds will be unimportant, as it will simply unfold as it must. My body and mind is at the highest service of Universal Intelligence. The point of no return has already been reached so no further decision is necessary. All of this is self-evidently true. When I lose track of my highest purpose (and I will) I am to return here and re-read this statement, re-grounding myself in that which is undeniable.

Actualized 2.0 is coming. Brace yourself for a sledgehammer of Love.

July 18, 2019

This 97-page research paper by Susanne Cook-Greuter is one of the most important things you can read if you want to understand human development:

Nine Levels Of Increasing Embrace In Ego Development

I recommend you download it, print it out, and read it methodically with a highlighter. It's filled with insights and wisdom you won't find anywhere else.

Cook-Greuter is a Harvard educated yet independent developmental psychologist. So this research has some scientific weight behind it, based on empirical research.

This will take your understanding of developmental psychology & Spiral Dynamics to the next level.

It also dovetails with my discussion of Conscious Politics, since the quality of one's politics directly depends on the development of one's ego.

We will be talking a lot more about developmental psychology in the future. So this is required reading for that. Spiral Dynamics is only one part of the larger field of developmental psychology.

July 17, 2019

July 15, 2019

Here's a little taste of the brutality and sneakiness of government. This is the dirty business of creating a society:

Russia is a Spiral Dynamics Stage Red government. It's government by mafia rule. Be careful not to judge it too much because your government had to go through this stage of development before it evolved higher. You don't get a high functioning democracy without a lot of theft, beatings, torture, slit throats, bullets to the head, and rape.

July 14, 2019

Contemplate why this is happening. What is this about? Why expansion? Why branching? Why life? What is the universe up to?

July 13, 2019

I find microscope pictures more awe-inspiring than cosmic pictures. Remember, reality zooms to infinity in both directions. And actually there are more than two directions and more than 3 dimensions. But for now, study closely the intelligence behind the design of the microscopic world:

Consciousness is an infinite fractal of pure intelligence. This is what you're really waking up to. This is what you are.

July 12, 2019

The first extra-solar planet was discovered in 1992. Up to now 4000 have been discovered.

There are approximately 250 billion stars in 1 galaxy.

There are approximately 2 trillion galaxies in our universe.

If there are an average of 3 planets per star, that means there are 1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in our universe.

But all of that is just but an infinitesimally small speck of dust within Infinite Consciousness. All those planets are as far away from infinity as the number 3.

It takes Infinite Consciousness less than a nanosecond to dream all that up.

It has no beginning or end. It goes on forever. It is unlimited.

Imagine holding all of that form within your consciousness.

Try to comprehend that. That is the mind of God.