Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 63

November 24, 2020

I would never promote Alex Jones or his ideas, but this clip is illuminating in showing how easy it is for the ego-mind to co-opt genuine insights about God and twist around for its own egoic purposes. It's not just enough to understand some aspects of God, you must be very careful not to let God get co-opted by ego — which is of course the trap that Alex Jones falls into:

The problem with people like Alex Jones is not that everything they say is 100% false, but that they take kernels of truth and spin it into total bullshit that justifies all their paranoia and self-biases. When it comes to conspiracy theorists, the best phrase to keep in mind is that even a broken clock is right twice a day. That doesn't make it a good clock. Sloppiness like this is precisely what leads to religious corruption and cults.

P.S. God knows precisely where it came from. God came from nowhere because it always is nowhere.

November 18, 2020

Have you ever wondered how precision bootstrapped itself? It's an interesting sort of creation problem: How did mankind get from crooked sticks and stones to perfectly straight machined parts that can't be found in nature? What did mankind use to gauge the accuracy those things which tell accuracy?

Here's a brief history of precision:

But before you watch it and get the answer, contemplate this: If you were a caveman, how would you create the first perfectly straight plank of wood or stone?

November 10, 2020

This interview with Eric Weinstein gives you a glimpse behind the scenes of how difficult it is to break through the group-think of academic science to get them to accept new ideas:

What most people don't understand about science is that most groundbreaking work has to be done outside of academic science.

November 2, 2020


Who should you vote for?

It's very simple, the guy with the highest level of consciousness and Spiral development. The guy who is least aligned with fear.

October 29, 2020

People asked and so finally here it is:

Actualized On Spotify

October 28, 2020

Pretty amazing how effective neural networks are. This technology is going to revolutionize everything. Of course the trick with neural networks is that their wiring is so complex that no human mind will ever be able to understand the inner workings of a specific neutral network "brain". It is a "black box", where the internal logic is unknowable, or cannot be explicated linearly. Much like your (imaginary) brain.

October 26, 2020

Leonard Susskind is one of the world's top theoretical physicists. He works in string theory and quantum mechanics.

I want you to get a feel for how serious scientists think about reality, so you can see the limitations of their thinking.

So here's a good interview with him.

Leonard Susskind Interview

Pay attention to the last 10 minutes of the interview especially where they start talking about infinity.

That video is not allowed to be embedded, so you'll have to watch it on YouTube.

October 22, 2020

Investigating reality is not like dissecting a frog, it's more like doing surgery on yourself.

Materialists, rationalists, atheists, reductionists, academics, and scientists are under the illusion that reality can be investigated at a safe distance, like a guy in a white lab coat dissecting a dead frog. This assumes a dualistic reality in which subject and object can be cleanly separated. But as it turns out, reality is One, which means subject and object cannot be cleanly separated. Man isn't just an observer of the universe, man IS the universe! Overlooking this crucial point (the entanglement problem) leads to self-reference paradoxes and strange loops that forever cripple the scientist's mind until he realizes that Oneness is fundamental.

Due to Oneness, no objective, neutral, impartial, or safe-at-a-distance investigation of reality is possible. Investigating reality is like doing surgery on yourself. So while many conceive of spirituality as a lark through a land of emerald-green pastures, rainbows, faeries, and unicorns, true spirituality looks a lot more like this:

If you think you can investigate or understand reality without putting your own balls (ovaries??) on the chopping block, you haven't realized the depth of the entanglement problem.

October 20, 2020


Original video only playable on YT.

Today's socialists, Marxists, and radical progressives have not learned the lessons of Russia's failed experiments with socialism well enough.

October 20, 2020

Election time is here in the US and it's time to re-think your strategy if you plan to not vote as a sign of progressive protest.

This video lays out the case very nicely of why you should vote for Biden:

Note: Although Vaush is a socialist, I am not. He makes some good points though.