Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 65

September 24, 2020

An eye-opening explanation of the real purpose of fascism:

September 23, 2020

Most normies don't even know such things exist:

P.S. Don't mistake this as my endorsement of Hinduism. I'm just opening your normie mind.

September 19, 2020

An outstanding analysis:

September 19, 2020

Good quote from the new Dune trailer.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

But it's missing the final piece:

I am Love.

September 14, 2020

Popular firearms YouTuber, FPSRussia (Kyle Myers), got arrested for a half an ounce of weed and sentenced to 60 days in a light security federal prison in Alabama. This is the podcast he did right after he got out, talking about how the whole prison system works. Very fascinating, entertaining, and full of juicy insights.

It's long, but worth the listen.

August 27, 2020


August 25, 2020

Oh, how crazy human culture can get...

Patriarchy in a nutshell. Stage Blue in a nutshell.

August 23, 2020

The popular tidying guru, Marie Kondo, has a simple method for how to de-clutter your home. You hold an item in your hands — like an old sweater — and ask of it, "Does it spark joy?" If it does, you keep it. If it doesn't, you throw it away. In this way you minimize your material possessions to the most essential items.

But never mind de-cluttering your house — that's peanuts. The elephant in the room is asking this question of your life activities as a whole. Imagine designing a life in which most of the activities you do every day are ones that spark the greatest joy in you. Imagine what that would be for you. Now imagine a life where all the activities you do don't spark joy. Which life do you want?

Of course the problem is that most people have no clear idea of what activities spark the greatest joy for them. And the second problem is that they don't believe they can design a life which aligns with those. Well, you can figure both of those out. In fact you'll need to in order to have a good life. That's what my Life Purpose Course is designed to help you do.

But for now, just spend the next week asking yourself, "What sparks the greatest joy in my life?" Make a list. And then start to wonder how you can turn one of these activities into a career. That which sparks the greatest joy in you is a tiny kernel of the career you will one day build. For more specifics on how to go about this, see my Life Purpose Course.

August 22, 2020

I like to study the evolution of things. You can study the evolution of virtually anything to gain deep insights about how reality works. It can be especially insightful to study the evolution of cultural human things, as it gives you insight into the nature of culture and human behavior.

Here's an excellent video about the evolution of Japanese castles. As you watch it, contemplate how and why the evolution is happening. What is it doing at the meta level? — so to speak. Notice the deep intelligence at the heart of evolution.