Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 62

January 18, 2021

A very good talk. This is the future of spirituality and consciousness science.

I've definitely experienced hyperbolic geometries, in which the impossible becomes possible:

January 1, 2021

December 29, 2020

When you sit down to meditate and you try to use your mind to silence your mind:

December 18, 2020

Discovered this refreshing game called Disco Elysium. It's a very different kind of game. No combat and heavy on text. I usually don't like text-based games, but this one is so well done it's probably the best text-base game I've ever played. If you want a unique RPG experience and don't mind lots of reading, check it out. It's available on Steam.

Games almost never do story well. This game is a masterclass of how to do story well, and it oozes with style and intelligence.

December 12, 2020

I'm taking one month off to rest and restore my creative juices.

Making Actualized-style videos is creatively taxing and exhausting.

I'm going to be transitioning Actualized.org to a schedule that resembles something like 10 months on, 2 months off going forward because it's too creatively exhausting to sustain the old nonstop release schedule.

December 10, 2020

Meet the Jedi master of watchmaking:

December 4, 2020

By the age of 14 Stephen Wolfram wrote 3 books on particle physics. By the age of 15 he began research into quatum field theory and published several scientific papers. By age 21 he joined the faculty of CalTech with a fucking PhD!

Now I ask you, how can someone so smart say something so dumb:

Don't mistake the limits of your imagination for the limits of the universe.

This is the tragedy of modern science.

Why does the Universe exist? Because it is ONE and therefore cannot be anywhere else! For fuck's sake.

For the Universe to not exist it would need a "space" or domain apart from existence for it to non-exist in. But this space cannot exist because the Universe is ONE and occupies all possible spaces (and even any non-spaces you might imagine).

Or, to put it another way, there is absolutely no difference between the Universe existing and non-existing, since there is ever only one "space" within which all things occur or don't occur.

To use a computer analogy, you can only delete a file as long as there is some "space" — the trash bin — to place your file. But if you define "computer" as the sum total of all space, there is nowhere you can place your deleted file which is outside of the computer, and hence you have the interesting situation where you literally cannot ever delete it. You take it for granted that it's possible to delete files because every computer you've ever used was finite. But this would not be possible if your computer was infinite. You can only delete a file on a computer because your computer is a finite system with two parts: the computer part and the non-computer part. The non-computer part is where your deleted file ultimately goes. But if your computer was infinite, it would have no non-computer parts, and thus nothing from this computer could ever be deleted because it would have nowhere to go. An infinite container cannot have an outside, because it is ONE, thus it must contain within it every possible thing that could exist — because those things have nowhere else to be! Which is identical to saying that an infinite computer must contain within it every file that could ever possibly exist — not just potentially, but actually, since "potential" and "actual" are yet more "spaces" which must both be contained within the ONE ultimate space. Which is identical to saying that an infinite computer has infinite creative capacity. Which is identical to saying that an infinite computer created itself simply by virtue of being ONE. Which is identical to saying that an infinite computer is God.


Get it?

The simple act of realizing what ONENESS is, is literally identical to spawning our Infinite Universe.

All God had to do to create the Universe is to think: ONE! And the whole Universe unfolded instantly.

ONE! As in, not two. But also, not excluding two, since ONE means there cannot be a difference between one and two.

Reality didn't come from anywhere because coming and going requires at least two different spaces. Reality has existed FOREVER. It has nowhere to go. But good luck getting a scientist to understand any of this.

December 2, 2020

Great conversation about the ultimate nature of reality:

November 26, 2020

My rebuttal to this segment on Joe Rogan about capitalism vs socialism.