The AI Shit-Plague Is Coming

By Leo Gura - May 26, 2024

As amazing as AI is, the more I see people use it, the more it concerns me.

It’s not that AI is bad, it’s that there is infinite potential for abuse. AI is like pouring gasoline on Stage Orange toxic capitalism. The most scummy, shameless, and unconscious Orange humans and companies will try to use AI to ruin the internet for everyone and siphon obscene amounts of wealth, eyeballs, and power into unconscious toxic Orange values. It’s going to be an unconscious, soulless runaway flywheel of profit maximization. At least that’s my fear. I hope I’m wrong.

I don’t see AI experts, researchers, and “super-aligners” talk seriously enough about the toxic and dangerous combination of the Orange value system + AI. That’s the real concern, not some Terminator-Skynet fantasy.

Mankind’s overall value system and ego and moral development levels are not high enough to make responsible use of AI. Not even the major AI companies are mature enough to handle it, never mind the smaller bottom-feeders. And at the same time, the toothpaste is already out of the tube, with no putting it back.

A big trap of AI seems to be that people will use it to enable laziness, to take every shortcut possible to flood the internet with hollow, cheap content to make a quick buck. AI doesn’t have to be used in such a lazy way, but that’s going to be the most common way people use it.

The world was already in the middle of drowning in its own greed. And now we add AI on top of that.

Begun the AI wars have.

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