Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 21

March 4, 2023

I share the following video not because I agree with most of it, but because it is an excellent example of a steelmanned conservative worldview — which you will not get if you only watch progressive or liberal media. Which is a big problem.

If you identify as progressive or leftist, I cannot emphasize enough just how badly you misunderstand conservatives. Like... really badly! So badly you're an embarrassment to yourself and the human race. This does not make conservatives right about everything. It just means you're deeply fooled by an ideological bubble of your own creation. Which of course, the conservatives are equally guilty of, but that's doesn't absolve you of your responsibility for proper understanding. This is not a matter of political battle, this is a matter of PURE UNDERSTANDING. And I'm here to tell you that you're failing at it.

Of course the above is biased and incomplete. But you DO NOT understand conservatives! Get this through your head!

I am not saying you should vote for them. But I am saying you should understand them accurately. And you will never understand conservatives by listening to progressive analysis. Progressives are incapable of understanding conservatives. That requires a whole quantum leap in consciousness and cognitive development. I want you to not miss this leap in the way that all your progressive friends will. The progressive worldview, while it does have merit, is extremely limited and ignorant about how the world works. I want you to seriously consider that your progressive ideas for government will simply not work in the real world — regardless how right you feel they are.

Just as there are supposedly levels in Hell, there are levels of self-deception. And one of the deepest is the self-deception of managing to convince yourself that your political worldview, be it progressive or conservative — is correct. This is a self-deception that requires awakening from as much as the illusion of a separate ego self. And just because you've awoken from the illusion of the ego does not mean you have awoken from the illusion of your political worldview being correct.

Whatever your political worldview, it is wrong! How can this be?? How can it not! — when politics is so impossibly self-deceptive. If you think you understand politics, you're kidding yourself. The more I study it the more humble I get about it. Not a single human has enough intelligence to know how to structure or govern society. That's how intelligent society is! It's way more intelligent than you. So watch out. You're not intelligent enough to outwit the evolution of civilization.

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Side note: Towards the end in the conversation above, Gingrich and Peterson both start referring the leftists as "simply insane" or "mentally ill". Haha! Neither of these humans has a clue what true insanity is. Progressives may be foolish, but they are nowhere near insane. And I hope you will not be foolish enough to make the same mistake when thinking about conservatives. If you think conservatives are insane, that just goes to show how deeply you don't understand them. Conservatives are perfectly sane, they just have a very different worldview than yours. Not wrong. Different! Stop attacking it and go understand it first. You are attacking things you do not understand. That's the problem.

March 2, 2023

This is a good overview of current global politics and tensions. A relatively deep and unbiased analysis:

February 28, 2023


February 24, 2023

I love studying how geography affects politics and the rise and fall of civilizations. What genetics is to the body, geography is to the state. If you want to understand politics you should understand the geography of the places you live and wish to do business with.

February 24, 2023


February 21, 2023


February 21, 2023

Sometimes people complain to me, "Leo, I had some awakening, but where is the beauty you promised me?"

The Beauty doesn't magically come after awakening, the Beauty is already all around you, just stop taking it for granted. Appreciation of Beauty is a skill that requires proactive cultivation. No one is gonna force-feed it to you. And you shouldn't wait for Awakening to start practicing it.

Here's one of my fave channels showcasing the Beauty of nature:

Stop with your depressing human crap. Seriously! Stop it! Turn your attention on the Beauty found all around you in the Universe. Let God's Beauty be thy North Star.

February 14, 2023


February 14, 2023

This is mindblowing:

Now imagine that there exist people on this planet who's minds are as different from the typical human mind as that body is different from the typical human body. Now you can start to understand mysticism. The reason you don't understand stuff like psychic abilities is because your mind is not of the right type to have them. Stop assuming every human mind is the same. Not at all. The diversity of human minds is even greater than diversity of human bodies. When you finally get this, life will make a hell of a lot more sense.

February 6, 2023

Mathematician explains infinity in 5 levels of difficulty:

No mathematician understands what Infinity really is. Infinity is not a quantity, it is not a number, it is not set theory, it is not category theory, it is not even mathematics.

Infinity is the whole of reality itself.

Infinity is reality. Infinity is God. Infinity is Love. Infinity is Truth. Infinity is Consciousness. Infinity is You.

Infinity is infinitely larger than the entire domain of mathematics. Mathematics is a subset of Infinity.

Infinity is so large that your cat is Infinity.

Your dog is Infinity.

Your chair is Infinity.

Rape is Infinity.

That's how profound Infinity is!

Infinity does not belong to mathematics, mathematics belongs to Infinity! This is a common mistake mathematicians and logicians make. They got the whole thing backwards. Mathematics is a subset of Consciousness. Therefore it is impossible to understand Infinity from within the domain of mathematics. To understand Infinity you must understand Consciousness at the highest, most holistic level. Which no mathematician understands. The only one who can understand Infinity is a mystic. Which is prohibited in current science. Therefore no scientist can understand Infinity. It's a sad state of human ignorance.