Blueprint >> Subconscious Mind
Disclaimer: This document is in raw form as I process and distill 4 years-worth of my personal development notes. Expect some typos and cryptic language for now. I will be updating frequently and polishing up.
Prescription: Understand your subconscious. Take control of your subconscious.
Related Concepts: Mind Power, Shadow Work, Emotional Buttons, Limiting Beliefs
What is Subconscious Mind?
Why is it Important?
Your subconscious mind plays a key role in yours results in every part of life. If let your subconscious control you, your life will be miserable and you won't even know why.
Subconscious Mind Videos
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- Redesign your life to align with your purpose
- Mindsets and tools for exceptional success
Subconscious Mind: Key Points
In your personal growth, you will experience elevated state experiences and stages of growth. For example:
- #1: For 3 minutes, contemplate that you do indeed possess a second mind. It's real, it's powerful, and the perfect solutions exist right now.
- #2: For 3 minutes, affirm that you already know the answer you're looking for.
- Ex. "I know how to get the million dollars. I know how to get the million dollars."
- You don't yet know, but Mind Powers is about manifesting what does not yet exist.
- #3: For 3 minutes, relax in faith and confidence that the right answer will come to you.
- Imagine that you have the perfect answer right now. Imagine how you'd feel.
Your subconscious mind controls your beliefs, your self-image, your habits, your tastes, your strengths, your weaknesses, your motivation, your values, your skills, your memory, your emotions, your worldview. It can be your greatest ally if you learn to use it, or it can be your greatest enemy if you let it control you.
Most of the things you do throughout the day are handled by your subconscious mind. If you're good at something, your subconscious is well-trained in that area. If you're bad at something or struggle in some part of your life, then your subconscious is limiting you in some way, either through negative beliefs, negative habits, or negative self-image.
Freudian notions of the subconscious mind are unhelpful and flat out wrong. Don't think of the subconscious as a dark collection of your deepest fears and repressed memories. The subconscious is simply that part of your brain and body that doesn't have awareness of itself. It's like your low-level operating system. It is neither good nor bad. It is necessary for your survival and functioning as an animal. And you have to be an animal first if you are to be conscious at all.
Acknowledge that you indeed have a subconscious mind and that it has enormous influence in your life. Make a list of all the parts of your life that your subconscious mind affects and whether that affect is positive or negative for you right now.
The subconscious is pretty "dumb". It is programmed through brute force repetition. Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat… and then you have a change. Learn to program your subconscious mind through practices like:
Your subconscious mind knows your deepest values. You can connect to it to get information and wisdom that you didn't know you had. You can connect to your highest-self! 10 minute technique for contacting your subconscious mind: 1
The subconscious plays a huge role in mastery. The process of getting good at anything is always a process of repetition. This is the case with sports, languages, hobbies, career expertise, business, public speaking, management, etc. Success in these areas is all about programming the subconscious — building skills, habits, and beliefs — not holding more in your conscious. Repetition, repetition, repetition must be a religion for you.
Must program empowering beliefs. Beliefs are unconscious.
Important aspects of the subconscious mind:
- Beliefs — Your beliefs are not so much logical, as deeply imprinted in your subconscious. You have gut-level reactions to many of your deepest beliefs. These beliefs can cripple or empower you.
- Habits —
- Skills —All sorts of skills, from fine-motor skills, to dumb skills like chewing your food and blinking your eyes, to high-level skills like negotiating business deals, inspiring your team, or cracking jokes.
- Memories — The subconscious stores all your memories in great detail, which can be retrieved on a whim.
- Self-image (identity) —Your beliefs about yourself. Who you think you are: what you value, what you can and cannot do, what you're good at, what you're bad at, what you like, what you don't like, how attractive you are, how confident you are, etc.
- Mental Habits — How your mind tends to think: what kinds of thoughts you tend to have, what kinds of things you tend to worry about, how you interpret events, assumptions you make,
- Mood — How you feel
- Body —
Examples that illustrate the power of unconscious thought:
- Driving — Who is really driving that car? How aware are you of the mechanics of driving when you're driving? Usually, not much. You've built the skill. Now it's automatic.
- Typing — Who is really controlling the mechanics of your fingers hitting the appropriate keys? You are only aware of the high-level meaning of words you're trying while your subconscious handles all the keystrokes.
- Walking — Who is really doing the walking? How aware are you of the mechanics of walking? It just seems to happen. You just will yourself to walk and the rest is done by the subconscious mind.
- Playing a sport well — Who is executing all the minor mechanical and even high-level functions necessary to play a good match of tennis? You are barely aware of all the work your subconscious is doing.
- Speaking/Writing — Who is really coming up with the words that flow out of your mouth when you speak? Is some sense you, but in some sense, an unconscious part of you. Words just flow out of you while your brain does a lot of internal processing of the rules of grammar, interpreting meanings, language, etc.
- Mind Power, John Kehoe
- Mind Control, Eben Pagan
- Advanced Learning and Teaching Technologies, Eben Pagan

- Redesign your life to align with your purpose
- Mindsets and tools for exceptional success