Blueprint >> Mind Power
Disclaimer: This document is in raw form as I process and distill 4 years-worth of my personal development notes. Expect some typos and cryptic language for now. I will be updating frequently and polishing up.
Prescription: Practice Mind Power every day.
Related Concepts: Affirmations, Visualization, Seeding, Contemplation, Acknowledging, Subconscious Mind, Inner vs. Outer World, Be Principle-Centered, Charting, Journaling, Habit-Building, Goal-Setting
What is Mind Power?
Why is it Important?
The 30-minute Mind Power session is the most important period in your day for creating the life you want. Mind Power builds your willpower, puts you into high-consciousness, instill empowering beliefs, and programs your subconscious to accomplish your goals.
Mind Power Videos
[coming soon...]

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Mind Power: Key Points
The point of Mind Power is to build up your prefrontal cortex and program your subconscious. You should be using Mind Power to instill empowering beliefs.
- Affirmations
- Visualization
- Seeding
- Acknowledging
- Contacting the subconscious
- Imprinting beliefs
- Mind Power, John Kehoe

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