What Is Perception?

By Leo Gura - November 14, 2018 | 19 Comments

Explaining the metaphysics of perception

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Mayur says:

Had an unexpected ego death on marijuana, I think may be it was possible because I had been keeping up with Actualized.org for a long time now.
Unexplainable. Wow !
Now I see how difficult it is to communicate.
Still I have got lots of work to do, need to contemplate and integrate the experience.

Xvearu says:

If the only item in the universe was a rose, the rose wouldn’t be beautiful.

If there is only one universe the universe is not beautiful.

If there are multiple universes what is it that keeps them together?

Universe is Multiverse

If that something is beautiful then there has to be something else.

Beauty is delusion.

Delusion is beauty.

This is a comment box. And speech is trapped inside of this box.
There is a way out of this box, this box is the way out of this box.

Big bubbles are still just bubbles.

George says:

I was on the metro listening to the audio version of this video. Everything was as usual until I did the thought experiment that Leo was guiding me through, in which you imagine that everything is simply being without a perceiver. As I got off at the metro station and walked up the escalator my heart started pounding. For a very brief moment I became the steps on the escalator, the hand-rail, the guy standing in front of me with a boil on his head; I became that too, all of it. Because I realised that all this didn’t need me to exist, it just was. And I felt an incredible yet terrifying lightness of being as everything truly became itself and as such the pressure was lifted of my perception.
This only lasted a minute, though, and I had to close in again because it was too terrifying. Still, it was a haunting experience I won’t ever forget.
I’m curious, though, what should I do in this situation? Should I just let myself disappear even more?
Any advice would be much appreciated.

DEEPTI says:

We are, so we think or We think, so we are is the dichotomy that I am struggling with. This “perception” video has given clarity but I am yet to experience what is explained. I could understand that the there is nothing to be understood and everything else is man made. So the truth is a vast nothing which we need to perceive or which we are but we don’t realise it yet. Thanks Leo for bringing some more clarity and much more confusion

Tom says:

Hi Leo, have you ever tried telekinesis?
Would be could if you tried, and if you succeed, tell us how you did it

chi says:

Thanks Leo so much for the videos. you have answered many of my questions.

Still, let me ask you: even when I am writing these words, there is a writing event and there is no I. Am I on the right track? what I think, what I decide, what my action is, … are just thoughts, decision, and actions without I. The Universe is doing all these and there is no I, right?

Sahand says:

So Leo, another point that I think is needed to be made clear about this topic, is the fact that:

– We’re saying that by removing your self from the equation we get the most unbelievable pleasure we could’ve ever imagine; but as you mentioned it takes a lot of effort and sacrifices, but what I believe is confusing, is that why to put in all the time and effort to achieve something, that as I understood, can be achieved after your physical biological body shuts down and goes to death, so that you again become the One, the Truth, the Everything, and the thing that is the most joyful and pleasurable to be anyways!
Shouldn’t we just wait for that day to come (the death), I mean otherwise it is sounding like one of those cravings for more and more pleasure when you know it’s just not yet the right time for it. and you have to wait for it! and meanwhiles you have other things to do.

– Because I mean, I think I thought another part of the story is that we are sent to these universes (these Bubbles, these Negative Sculptures) for another reason (since everything is for a reason). Isn’t our duty, our prophecy on our Universe to just like do the God’s work like building a Galactic Civilization and stuff. I don’t know maybe just because it tends to prove something.

– so what would be the best implementation of Hell and or Heaven, Good or Bad person in this theory, and why and what to work toward and suffer for; when by just death (like simply exploding our selves and universe (maybe it’s the same reason that many terrorism groups like Al-Qaeda, Isis and other ones tend to do this) ) we get to go back to becoming this unified field of consciousness, which is the God, the ultimate pleasure and joy!?

Could I make my point here? I mean is there something that I’m misinterpreting in this? is there something missing in this article?

Hope you can help,
and Thank you for your great work.

Hi Leo,

I miss you. I have not checked in here so long time, already 1 year. I will catch up slowly and watch your videos one by one

I remember, you were born in Russia… do you know they have self-regulative work with subconscious mind, method called Master Kit? I am just curious to know, what do you think about this Master Kit technique? They are in Russian and English. Is it in one direction with your concept? Or it’s totally different?

I am confused lately….

Anouk says:

Leo, I’ve come across your site recently and see the effort you are putting into teaching people to think absractly. It is, as you say, not easy. But I commend you for your efforts. Thank you.

Anouk says:

Hi, I meant abstractly… obviously

Margoth says:

HOLY SHIT LEO!!!!! I’m dead felt myself dead for fractions of a second….

cheila s says:

I can visualize this concept you have explained here, but you are right, it is a bit hard to accept it.
From what I understood, we are not individuals who have their own beings(minds and like souls), we are all part of one immense infinite multi-organism, we exist just as animals and plants and rocks and anything else we can see in our planet, without rank or hierarchy.
There is no superiority from us over other things (although we tend to live in a way that we like to think and act up in such way, is part of the ego’s survival) if you think of it that way, though we might be advanced creatures that can grasp and reason cause we are able to tell difference between us and other things, and we are top predator, that doesn’t make us superior. We are just as important to the existence of life itself as any other organism or animal out there. We are merely a part of something so much greater than we can even realize. Of course we always say we are part of something greater, but usually people don’t really say it in the sense that is true, which is like literary cells or (bacteria, hahhaha, since we destroy so much…) within this huge organism which is life.
It makes sense why everything in what I call nature has a use, and (also why we can’t communicate with animals), we with the rest of the world the actions we make as objects, combined with the actions of animals, weather, etc.. is a combined effort/function for the survival of life itself (the life that is one being and at the same time a multi being (derived of combination and coexistence of us, animals, etc.)

Patricia says:

Hi Leo,
There is so much gratitude for your videos.They have been extremely helpful in trying to understand the non dual perspective.
My question about perspective is: Are you saying that there is only awareness or boringness and that everything else is an illusion?
I would really like to read your book. When will that be available?
Thank you again for your insights and wisdom.

Patricia says:

Hi Leo,
In my comment the word boringness came up but I meant to write being-ness.Thanks, Patricia

vvnaidu says:

Dear Leo, You are a living MASTER! Thank you for your videos on Self-inquiry, Enlightment, Meditation etc. The kind of insights you give is really amazing and penetrating. I can only compare you with the likes of Osho / Jiddu Krishna Murthy and others. Not everybody can comprehend what you are talking about. Appreciate your good work. Gratitude to you.

Charlotte says:

Ayase stood in front of cocoa to stop her having dreams of her boyfriend jealous

Charlotte says:

Ayase never was jealous of another girl with Takao until a photo spell of him and a girl is believed as long as he never learns it Jealous of him dreaming of that girl

Scarlett says:

My birthday is in May 20 something born in 2004 uses autism as excuses

Jim says:

What sort of man is this Leo coming here with these outrageous statements of philosophy and spirituality?

A straight-up GENIUS!

We are all so lucky to have this resource.

Thank you Leo! You rarely fail to blow my mind!

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Replying To: DEEPTI