Self-Love - The Highest Teaching
By Leo Gura - December 2, 2019 | 19 Comments
The highest teaching in the universe
Ok. I get it. Trump is just an imaginary aspect of myself, and so I can love and appreciate his unique existence in exactly the same manner in which I love and appreciate myself. Or I can just be unenlightened and hate him, which of course, means hating part of myself. A difficult choice. I think I choose to hate Trump.
I hope you realize how difficult that is. One can’t accept everything as it is. It may take 1000 lives, the process is quite slow and painful and at the end of the day you might ask yourself why would God (you) put yourself through all this nightmare.
You might get to love yourself A LOT!!! but still you can’t love others the same way. The best you can do is become tolerant for your own sake, to avoid unnecessary drama and suffering in your life, but love them?! Nope!
You can tolerate things (objects) you don’t like, cause they’re inoffensive but it’s harder with people they’re not quite inoffensive.
There’s so much drama you can avoid by just eliminating people out your life!!!
Why can’t God just stay in his perfection instead of creating this mess? All this mess is so unnecessary!!
No Leo, You’re wrong. The guy just wanted your stuff. He was a fisherman and knew what he was stealing. He was on his way up to one of those gorgeous little glacier lakes and with your gear he had a really good time. Still love him?
We were on our way to spend a month visiting the islands. A car was stopped in the middle of our fast lane. Crash! I got stuck here in Kalamata with nothing to do except swim, collect pebbles and sea glass. get a baby cat, make a best friend, do some paragliding, and meet you and listen to your videos day and night. I could have bitched and whined instead.
My friend is a sound therapist and spiritual teacher. She suffered an illness that robbed her of some of her aural faculties. No doctors could help her. She stopped everything to focus on regaining what she had lost. 2 years of quiet, minimal stimulation, no computers, just sound exercises, and meditation. She will be a formidable healer and teacher when she is ready to proceed, not to mention considerably farther down the self-actualization track.
You mentioned meeting Ram Das in one of your videos. His guru told him to love everyone. Thanks for introducing me to Ram Das!
You’re wrong Leo. I love you every time I listen to you or think about you. I think about your commitment to this work that you do. I am astounded by the preparation that you do. I love the originality of your style of presenting your information. I love your self-revelation. I love your courage and honesty.
It’s possible that if I met you I wouldn’t like you. Maybe you would be too this or that. Unlikely because I like everybody. If they rub me wrong I feel empathy for them because I know they rub most people wrong and I am witnessing the pain they feel all the time. At least I get to go away from them. They can’t and they most likely won’t figure it out for quite a while unless somebody loves them in spite of themselves. Or on the other hand, maybe they are revealing something to me about myself. Ho’oponopono. Thank you, I love you, I’m sorry, forgive me.
Girlie stuff? My God. A guy that gets what you teach won’t be able to get rid of the women!
You can love anyone you want to love. You just have to want to. The more you choose love over fear the stronger your love becomes. Saying I can’t means you can’t, saying I can means you can. You have to ask yourself why your ego would feel the strong need to reply on here telling someone else they can’t love. Maybe you can’t love, but that does not mean others can not choose love over fear. The very fact that someone tells you that you can should be enough for you to begin to see it is possible. Only you tell your self what you can and can not do as there is only your self to listen to.
She has been one of my main models for success. Her articles cover everything from speed reading to meditation to simple living and creativity. Every post is super high quality with ways to make a change. Real life issues with simple solutions. go to /
waited for her to come at one o clock to have our date but she was with a boy with blonde hair after I called her name he took her hand to run with him away from me he cornered her blushed almost confessed his love TO MY GIRLFRIEND!
Before he could kiss her lips I stood between them asked what is the meaning of this you said no one will steal her from me but you fell for my girlfriend after you teased her serves you right you never saw how precious she is before I took her.
Single girl seeks good man I love him after he helped me when I was too short
Helped me play a recorder defended me when she lied about me told the truth.
He told them we kissed to show he loves me I never wanted to kiss a idol again.I
tried to kiss him after he won a race to protect me from a bully but he rejected it.
Hanabi may have been jealous of girls from another school loving her boyfriend to be one of their boyfriends so she said he is my boyfriend jealous angry girls leave
The girl who got away.I did not love her enough before Takao kissed her first truly
I named her short, flat, childish but she wished we met sooner I lost her to Takao.
I noticed what’s incredible, it’s incredible how a spider hangs from a thread, drops in the flower and plucks out of it then the flower eats it, and it’s incredible how a man drives a crane, spins it around and it’s holding a metal bar and then it drops it, it’s not just beautiful, it’s incredible, it leaves you wondering: “why do animals, plants and people do that (the above two incredible things)?”, it’s amazing, especially the way these things work in a clockwork way.
I get it, self-love is nothing more than the finding agreeable of yourself and accepting yourself. Is it really true that I don’t love myself? Not possible, I was increasing my love for myself, to not change. I found out what the truth is, it’s not other than the way things are.
It sounds like an ultimatum to me, no projection on the teacher, this religion doesn’t want to be questioned. I should question it, Leo is wrong about some things (and right on many things of reality), he’s wrong about reality having no good and no evil, being “neutral”, neutral? Good? How is life good? Wake up and smell the coffee, it’s not pretty. And a congratulations I give to Leo for something so simple you don’t know it works, it is that simple, just accept who you are and don’t change a thing, easier said than done, it’s hard to love a thing everyone hates.
What a waste of time, do you think it’s not the fool trusting some bullshit philosophy? Philosophy’s an ideology, and like any ideology you can believe the wrong philosophy, I need a no-bullshit philosophy, the only philosophy and this does teach in a way loving yourself: just banish the misery and suffering from your side, don’t let evil sleep afflict your heart, may your face smile. That’s it, from “Counsels of a Pessimist”, it would be bullshit if you philosophise people into following orders, my housemate’s already convinced we’re all doomed. As for the topic of Leo, self-love is a good teaching and I’m not about to lay the blame, but it’s sickening! I want to spit at the universe for giving me ordered to make me throw up!
Now that I better understand the teachings, I’m the perceiver, God, not human, and the universe, I’m a sage man who self-reflects, reflects upon things, contemplates, and introspects. It requires all this thinking, when I get distractions from such thinking, I tried renouncing my overbusy life and I tried success although without distinct learning, because such is the case, I have to accept and appreciate it and its beauty and amazingness. Of projecting onto the mentors or teachers, I stopped that, seeing things for the stench of lifelessness that it is, I’m more realistic, in seeing fragments of life in rose-coloured glasses, given that I can’t endure what happens in life, despising men, feeling like sleeping in, not caring, I took off the rose-coloured glasses seeing the darkness and I even hafta love that.
I know that I know a few things, not much, as wisdom is having an epistemic humility. As far as I don’t know some things, there’s no time to open my mouth until the many times of watching these videos, when I thought I got it, I didn’t got it, it’s not about amazement of incredibility of human, animal and plant activities, simple joys like watching a crane plop down a steel bar, it’s about loving and therefore intensely finding agreeable, pleasant or acceptable and enjoying of everything. I didn’t stutter when I said I don’t love my wisdom, but then Leo meant everything and it’s precisely everything, the whole universe, but that doesn’t mean I can enjoy and listen to every tune in every language or wordless tune, or every song indiscriminately, I can still reject some music although in each category I’m not cherry-picking, as long as it fits my categories I’ll listen to that music, but it does mean that for every bit of food I can sample a bit of everything like a buffet sort of person, and leave aside junk food and keep the pick of the crop of healthy food. I’m loving the universe in a not-selfish way, as far as self-love goes it can unravel and solve all my problems by helping the derelicts, feeding the starving etc, but it excludes succouring money or clean water to them or any material garbage to them, it only goes so far as looking them in the eye and accepting, respecting and appreciating them with the love. not an easy deed considering that you can’t do that with your mother but if you love your mother that way you have one piece at least of self-love. that’s what I think Leo’s trying to say.
On topic, I think loving the universe is a hard thing, lots of things are nasty, loving it is likely exposure to getting the shock of your life coming to you. If someone is angry with me am I going to act like the universe is looking for loving it? You masochist! It’s masochists who love nasty things, this is why I spend years trying to bear it, it’s a hard kind of love. Accepting all of reality, even killings of those cows which vegetarians disapprove of? It’s not what your mother would do, some of these loving people aren’t like their mothers, and being sceptical isn’t something my mother would like, except herself being sceptical. This sort of love (loving everything indiscriminately) isn’t what my mother would like, what were you thinking, Leo? However, these altruistic people, and I’m foolish enough to get stabbed one day, dying for my morals? I’m in it for freedom, I’m not terrified of such a thing. What have you been smoking? Taking drugs will certainly get you into loving mushrooms, goats, rainbows, and hippy trippy music. If I met an alien species and it taught me to conquer all, it would be a stage red alien species, as some aliens are, they want war to meet some end, of course the Self-Love thing is stage turquoise, but the way my character, my personality, makes people angry leads them to stage red behaviour, nobody’s even stage beige except for the derelicts asking me for cigarettes or money, I’m not too trusting of beige, these people can kill you and destroy your house if you tease poor people as a millionaire, it can happen, I’m not putting myself in danger, the truth is, as with dangerous beliefs, they will verbally attack you, as is the case with my Kierkegaardian philosophy, it’s dangerous, my housemate verbally attacks me with my dangerous thinking, but he never got used to reality as it is, trying to be the way he wants me to be, I’m looking for his friendly side. The truth is reality’s scary, people have no idea how I can expose myself to shock, fantasy doesn’t make it go away, there’s still the shocking truth that people get attacked, much like a fool who gets victimised, yes, all for this fantasy world that the world loves you.
I did the exercises, the practices and what I came up with is the Self-Love of the universe and the ideal things you would do if you loved yourself, as above, there’s no need for explanation or argument.
So-called “self”-love, stretching the definition of self-, self- means just myself and nobody else and nothing else, it doesn’t mean other things, just my body and mind, not bodies and minds, this universe isn’t a mind, it’s the dark with planets and heavenly bodies in it, and gases, I’m not some outsider guy in your mind other than my beliefs, and I’m not your wrong views of me, when people get me outside of my beliefs, as getting anyone outside of their beliefs, am I the only one who thinks they’re so very wrong about people? It’s no wonder people thought I was wicked, and I don’t mean good, they thought I was wicked since they were jealous of my mana, and I don’t have enough mana, I have the mysterious power for people to hate decent morals, it’s simple, just four rules and Christians think antitheistically I’m in the wrong, where’s the goat’s blood then? Where’s the headquarters for world domination (which is killing people)? There isn’t any, such behaviour I very much fear, what I’m afraid of is my tendency to waste again, and I’m afraid of spilling stains all over my clothes, and I’m afraid of being smelly from soap when I get out in public, especially the stench of oil and salt from soap, not nice! Soap is a by-product from waste sold cheaply in the 18th century which was far worse, and it’s smelly, it smells like pissed on knickers.
This kind of love is loving the murder, the terrorists, and disgusting things, even a death, and loving loss of existence, the truth is everything exists, even magical elves, I’m at the stage of pure imagination, stage violet, which means I’m clannish and living in a fantasy world. Truth is what I think,it’s based on my prejudices, that means it’s subjective. Truth is merely in Leo’s head and not my head, it’s some self-centred paradigm, what about my head? What about my truth? It’s a copout what Leo says, truth is just what I think. The teaching in above video can be fully explained in one hour, 55 minutes and 49 seconds, I don’t need any further descriptions, I get it, I know of these actualised teachings and what they’re about, thus soon I’ll stop watching the videos, I’ll get off the channels and website altogether, but drugs I won’t be using. As for nootropics, I can’t handle them, not even ginkgo, I can only handle supplements including ginseng, I’ll have to ask my herbalist about them as these herbs might affect my meds negatively. I’m a consciousness of 1,000, and thus I know things of Leo’s teachings I didn’t know until the 27th of December, year 2024 last year.