Reproduction Is An Illusion

By Leo Gura - January 15, 2020 | 7 Comments

What if biological reproduction was an fiction?

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Yvonne says:

Hi Leo

I think it may be easier for men to feel fine about not reproducing and instead finding fulfillment in their work or life purpose. I also don’t believe women have children just because it’s expected of them; there is a biological urge too, although in today’s fast paced world many women do not notice it until it’s too late.

I remember reading something Joseph Campbell said about women who had never had children still being fulfilled if they had some highly creative aspect to their life, such as being involved in the Arts in some way. I believe he and his wife were childless and that she was a dancer perhaps. This is of course what you are saying in your video but – whether or not reproduction is an illusion – I think the reality is that the population of this planet will continue to grow

Hope you have a good break and look forward to watching more videos.

Spenser says:

I do not think your suggestions of ‘the human race being symbolically pure children, or anything is our child’ gets at the cusp of the reason people want to have their own biological children as described by terror management theory.

Antinatalist arguments show pretty conclusively all reproduction is morally bad and fundamentally selfish.

People want to have their own children because the child having half your Gene’s is the strongest possible representation of your immortality (in an abstract but also real sense) as you have some of the strongest possible ability to make it like you and the raising of which is also the strongest possible daily reminder of immortality and therefore the best at managing your terror of mortality. Which of course isn’t enough as is and is why we care about so many performative & result driven actions on the world around us especially as it relates to our legacy.

Henry says:

There are further scientific aspects to this issue:

— Within the homo sapiens species, genes match approximately 99,7 per cent, regardless of origin, skin colour etc. (What a powerful piece of knowledge to counter any racist with!)
— Our genes contain not enough information to actually be a specific step-by-step instruction for “building” a full human body. Indeed, many much less complex species contain several times more genetic (DNA) information than humans.
— Which gene is expressed, and to which degree, is determined largely by the epigenome, which is essentially an additional layer of complexity.

Especially the latter, the epigenome, is highly interesting: which genes are “switched” on or off, or expressed to which degree, depends to a large degree on our habits, our learning, our patterns of thinking.

So regardless of our genetic makeup, we are fully responsible for the version of ourselves which we choose to shape, mould, and show up as.

This is empowering to a fault, and leaves little to no space for any “victim consciousness” regarding our genetic heritage.

On a related note, Leo: I can hardly overstate how much all aspects of my life have improved since I have chosen to take full, complete responsibility for all I think, do, how I respond, and for my habits, for the course of my professional life, for my emotions… This is no exception.

Love how he called Ryouga Lover boy He’s angry at Ryouga for trying to earn her
romantic love!He glared at Ryouga after he’s told it’s only between her and letters
first sent from anonymous He jealousy said “you wish!”after He heard “She loves
me!” Ranma has many important qualities most men don’t have together Jealous
in the most hilarious ideas possible Hides how he believes his fiance personality is
He physically harmed Ryouga for touching her flirting with her sleeping on her bed
He’s one of the most handsome,hilarious,memorable,unparallelled,open minded &
unpredictable,mature yet playful boys in manga anime some of best songs ever!

I forgive him because:He deserves to live in a girl’s interesting home for as long as he needs to stay,He’s blessed with his girl body almost everyday Can’t bore me
He’s my favourite male character in his manga anime I’d love to have a friend as
him even if he embarasses himself in public as long as its temporary for our lives!
Funny:He wore Akane’s overalls chest too tight waist has room to spare Brags of
how his female bodies more healthy attractive with big breasts small waist Can’t
be borned of their precious relatable challenging stories He’s always interesting so
I don’t care how many people hate these manga anime ideas they’re unparallelled
No matter which emotion he feels at different times how he reacts Author of this
should be immortal she’s one of the greatest geniuses I know Even if she hates m
I always want her to stay alive to write draw unparallelled stories forever for us!

Tacos says:

I got knocked up on psychedellics. it wasn’t planned. I saw a tiny blue light entering my “body” several days after coitus. It was selfless. I was overcome with an overwhelming sense of well being….and realized I was in communion with the divine whole. It was a deeply mystical moment.. I found out 3weeks later that I was with child. Lineage is interesting. I was doing a lot of internal alchemy at the time…and had have had enlightening experiences relating to that as well.

Dosta says:

Also Leo, you forgot to mention, genetic engineering makes the passing of genes point completatly flat. As in the future, babies will be made by custom design… just another point to add to your general thesis in this video…

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