Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness

By Leo Gura - April 20, 2020 | 31 Comments

Insights from 30 awakenings in 30 days

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Dieter says:

Dear God,

I had so much fun watching this together! Leo, thank you so much for sharing this. I find it brave for a human! The old condescending Leo is cute, nothing funnier than sassy talk to God. Love you deeply bud!


(P.S. Lemons go from green to yellow to brown, usually.)

Nobody says:

Could you please add this to your “Audio Downloads” list?

I can’t find it there. At least not by these names:

– Insights from 30 awakenings in 30 days
– Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness

Also… congratulations on your work!

I’ve been watching, reading and listening it for about 4 years.
It has been quite an adventure.

Please keep up your efforts and good luck!

Nobody says:

Yes, I can do that.

But then again, no I can’t.

Unathi says:

Hi Leo,
Thanks for this topic. Very uncomfortable exercises and space to step
into and ask oneself all these questions.
I think if certain people can picture or imagine for a split second a technologically advanced fast paced civilized society in some parts of Africa. Too many people seem to think Id be sending you a message like this from a brick because Africa is nothing but desert, animals, illiterate morons and chaos and stricken poverty across every squared meter of land on the continent. It cracks me up each time I mention I go to work on an elephant and have never seen TV or even say Ive never eaten food apart from sand all my life and some people still genuinely believe it,although Ive stopped laughing and tried to reflect how one what makes them think that way.
Ive been following your channel for years. Im so stoked each time,not cause you are right or wrong but the curiosity you stir in one to reflect even deeper especially when it comes to assuming that others may be on the same level on the open minded spectrum as one may think.
Keep making magic


Jim Feiling says:

love u man

Ramon says:

yes lets take dmt and talk shit. very enlightened

Max Gron says:

Thank you, drugs are bad, I agree completely. Even a psychiatrist will tell you to lay off the drugs.

chad charles says:

Leo, I have followed you for some years. Not too closely, not too distant. This video is what I anticipated. I appreciate your contribution very much, and will add your video to my list of resources for clients who find their way to me.

I have been offering a talk/presentation called ‘Effing the Ineffable’ for the last 2-3 years. It’s my contribution to better grasping the function of 5-MeO-DMT as well as the lessons. It’s now a webinar online: chadcharles dot net/project/effing-the-ineffable/

More personally, this experiment more closely touched me as you describe the bathroom-tub setting, starting at 41 0. Over the last 2 years there has been an increase in 5/bufo-related deaths, many of them in psychonautic settings. A dear friend who was at least as experienced as you died in a bathtub experimenting in the same way.
I thank you for the expression of caution at the end of this presentation.
What is reckless or not is subjective. May the way others are inspired include a hearkening of empowered consideration and contemplation.

Bless you.

Max Gron says:

Do you love your disgust, do you love compound eyes, do you love the hate? I used to love the hate, that was my love, it’s not that emotional to love it when you scream, is it?

Aaron Caylo says:

I called her name out before he.I am quite mad that you were with another boy secretly lower your head.you were thinking about me so much you forgot your birthday.

Aaron Caylo says:

Single target sexuality although she wanted a male idol to take her first kiss she only loves the boy who stole her first kiss after she said it was for her idol to take.
She never said she wanted his kiss again as a handsome interesting boy took her.
More special from him because most girls loved him for his authentic traits but he
loves a girl ready to kiss an idol before he kissed her to be important to her life.
He called her precious princess, cute ,interesting, looked cool, just like a puppy.

Takao Yuuto says:

Hypocritical heartwarming Takao teases his girlfriend to enjoy her cute reactions but helps her if anyone else teases her. Stop teasing my girlfriend She is not that
Only he should be allowed to be close to her more than other men and brother

Takao Yuuto says:

I want my beloved to be happy tsusumi stops feeling jealous of Yuuto having her as his girlfriend stops bullies for stalking Takao and his girlfriend left them alone to allow their privacy to stay strong as they share their second kiss after helping

David Wood says:

Thanks for posting this video. Having taken 5-Meo more than a few times but less than you, I can share that I had a very similar though not identical experience and opportunity to merge into God. And yes I realized if I made that choice to merge with God that everything would collapse in with me. I, like you, lacked the courage to make the leap. So I guess this means that you are me, or I am you. I will say though that you articulated and explained this much better than I could have so thanks. Much love, a big hug, and best wishes. Thanks. Dave.

Poul says:

Hi Leo! Thank You very much for sharing this experience! For Your bravery and ongoing hard work with all those important subjects! And all those inspiring videos! Thanks! Hugs and love! Poul

james hughes says:

leo, I love you!! thanks for sharing this !!

Maud says:

Leo you talk about achieving Mahasamadhi and you also talk about merging entirely with reality and taking everything and everyone with you. But is there is a difference between the two?

Tereza says:

Hi Leo. Thank you for this breathtaking video. I was crying with you all the time cuz I was literally melting. I had similar experience on LSD just of kors not so profound but at least I am able to relate to this topic somehow. You are my favourite teacher, I dont take you words as an ideology. I just appreciate your work for how it opens my mind to the new perspectives. I use your words to ignite my own way of thinking. Your videos make me think deeper and that is very valuable for me. Your videos are priceless at least for me.

Keith says:

Looks like you figured out why you created this infinite reality… Maybe now you understand that infinity isn’t nothing. Infinity is love. Everything is love. I am happy that you were able to see this. That is something not too many people get to see.

Max Gron says:

OK Leo Gura, you got me, without seeming like a pompous ass conceited about his fancy spirituality, I say I should be 10% more conscious, because I do appear that way, like a misguided smartarse. So guide me, since the one and three quarter years of your “self-mastery” I began believing in you. I don’t want just the truth, I want a 100% true life, bettered by action without the mind games, you know what I mean, I don’t need anyone telling me “just be normal”, because with your self-mastery work people think I’m weird, I should be meek and submit to your teachings and listen to you.

Max Gron says:

I should be deeper in stage blue, instead of giving a crap about the universe and transcending survival, get real! Transcend my survival? My life? That would be nice but dying for my cause and purpose isn’t going to work, people think I’m evil (yes it does exist to them, they take it very seriously). I should be meditating, I should get rich according to your video (simple money and happiness techniques of yours), and I should say right now my survival is the preservation of my identity, UG Krishnamurti says it’s dangerous to lose your identity, if I change too much I get sick, is that good?! I don’t think so, everyone takes this silly religion too seriously.

Max Gron says:

Leo, stop taking drugs, it’s f’ing up your mind, if I was conscious I would just be conscious, unmethodically, hippie, I don’t need drugs because I’m not conscious enough, true consciousness just happens, it starts as being unconscious for years annoying people for years then something snaps and you know better, I know because I experienced this and I don’t need drugs to make me conscious, I just need trial and error.

Max Gron says:

Yeah, that’s love, I love being treated like a baby by God, which he never does, I love drugs making me cry, I love doing stupid things and eating a gun and shooting myself, love the deceased, it’s silly!

Max Gron says:

I suppose Leo is a bit disgusting, I’m not ignoring it, talking about penises, saying love the murder, love the torture, it’s R-rated behaviour for intense and sexual adult themes. I will be brutally honest right now, no one talks to me except on YouTube and IsItNormal, no one gives a shit about anything but a typical Leo who sits on his pimply arse being and being lazy, “meditating”, what he lacks he makes up in denial of his laziness, if I slide in some jokes I see nobody responding to my comments saying “You’re funny!”, what cheap standards people must have with a dandy writer and a fine philosopher. Nobody gives a shit, I’m a classic example of a man the guy on a train would love if I faked my ticket. Suddenly you who’s too lazy to talk to anyone doesn’t love anyone, you only love yourselves, and I doubt anyone is any more popular than me, no one here is bloody popular are they? Leo never talks to me, he never thanked me, he never says, even once, to anyone here, “wow, you’re enlightened, you’re authentic, you got it”, not once! Do I get a thank you? Do I get to ever talk to celebrities? No, it’s mediocrity!

Max Gron says:

All the wires are interconnected, it’s not divided one bit, I understand your reality, it requires analysis of things and just knowing, knowing I’m imagining it. I celebrated by making punch (mint tea punch, non-alcoholic) and nobody cares about my perfection. Spiritual perfectionism and you’ll get away with it, if it was a secular perfectionism that’s what people hate, you all hate being alien to religion, don’t you? If it doesn’t talk of religion to me it’s too much trouble.

Max the know better says:

How do I take in account that all of this is true? My mind is trying to remember all this, trying to think its way into knowing this, but I guess I’m a waste of time on this episode of the website, about consciousness. If I’m to know truth alone and not trust the teachings, and if I’m to think in terms of Leo, computer/laptop and me all being me, talking to myself, and that it’s all God, then I got it correct, but it’s been said itself, I’m not to trust the teacher and the teachings, all this being my imagination, that’s metaphysical monism and not reality, matter is real, there’s matter in a mental universe, it’s so real that there’s even matter in your dreams, yes, I can’t believe Leo blindly. And also love, if I can love what stinks, my life will certainly be easier and slow torture and being destroyed will certainly be easier, but why make a single sacrifice against be better, cooler life? I just don’t know, I understand the sacrifices to be made are for the teachings on this site, which have to be made, including sacrifice of ego, self, and selfishness. You can’t remember things without thinking, think means to remember, there’s some meaning like that, to reflect and recollect I think thinking is, it should be beliefs, definitions and thinking like it’s the olden days, before invention of traditionalism, which is meta-olden-days, it’s a belief of olden times, but yeah, no ideologies, that’s how Leo put it, I don’t think Puritanism is an ideology, only what’s presented on a plate, from what Leo says can be partial truth and I’m to question it, what I’m not to do is be lazy not doing the work. I don’t remember this teaching what its title is, but I think it’s to do with changing my beliefs to make changes to my life, to improve my life, which I’ve done, I’ll watch it again, I even followed some of the principles for living good life. Do you think I’m an idiot, I just believe things gullibly without understanding the teachings? Hell no, I’m not an idiot and as a man of average intelligence I should be recognised as such, I only reach so high and what I think and the way I do it doesn’t get any stronger than that, I’m not a magical man who can use witchcraft to make reality a happy, wonderful place, nor should I even be talking about this, but for what I think you don’t care, you don’t see me as a thought, but an objective thing, biased, outside of my beliefs, bullshit, I’m only my beliefs and only what I think.

Max the shithead says:

Religion’s a fucking addiction, it’s not fucking natural what Leo teaches you to be, it’s contrary to human nature, it also has to be forced upon yourself and it’s painful, all I can tell you is what’s not natural, you’ve got to be kidding, the way God loves, loving negative things, why don’t I push your face in manure and force you to eat it?! All this is against my character when it’s certain changes I want, a certain success, and things I can do, from Leo’s teachings, I don’t intend to hate-watch this ghastly video, I thought it was going to be something good, like real love, this isn’t fucking love, making you love vile things is because the altruistic God hates you very fucking much, this shit is the devil in the guise of a good God, this god of altruism, no, I will not worship such a deity, it’s the sum of a god Leo accidentally made up, he fucking doesn’t fucking know what he’s fucking talking fucking about, fuck off! That shit raises up to high heaven, it stinks.

Be Pryce says:

I want to do the same work with psychedelics you did (or do), but not on my own. Help me.

Max Raoy Gron says:

As I got indoctrinated into Leo’s teachings I’m brainwashed, through the softer version of loving everything, the “Self-Love” video, to love everything and everybody, so now I’m used to it, I was a God-believing altruism-denier, but I suppose from April this year of conviction in our Lord, being indoctrinated by my mother (and I’m afraid of losing her), I wasn’t in any instant giving in to ungodly temptation. As far as that’s sorted out, I’m ready for such consciousness and a little later on after this comment I already watched again the above video.

Max Raoy Gron says:

Nothing in my above comment has been explained or discussed, nor argued, with no logic, accounts, nor accepting arguments from Socrates, as I’m a fully conscious being (still not at a 1,000), I understand completely not just Leo Gura, but all the philosophies and sciences I couldn’t understand from the internet before, and I also have more awareness of sunflower oil and my health than I ever did before, I changed my beliefs back to my old 5 beliefs of Kierkegaardian, pragmatism, quantitative hedonism, lepidopterology, and New Traditionalism (which I usually call traditionalism). As a result I’m wise and studied all the tricks, and I’m not easily tricked. I finally went back to an extremely normal life, as ordinary, and even typical, I’m still a satisficer as Leo taught in the “curing perfectionism” video and I’m satisfied with just the three things to choose from, without the flawlessness, when perfectionists say “perfect” what they really mean is “flawless”. I’m aiming at a 1,200-calorie diet, and avoiding such foods and drinks as soda, chips, snacks, cookies, and chocolate, this is so simple as to have the freedom to eat and drink anything I want in smaller amounts, resulting in drinking more coffee and tea, and mixing wine with cordial or iced tea, I also aim at having a chicken mayo lettuce sandwich at the cafes instead of pies or sausage rolls, resulting in eating pasties and quiches and not spinach rolls, I see the loophole in such internet advice, at the cafe or bakery I would also choose the roasted veg frittata instead of the sugary caramel slice and at the petrol station the protein-packed bagged nuts, cabinet fruits, and nutty muesli bars instead of the chocolate bars or bagged lollies, at the nut shop the nuts or the dried fruit products instead of the chocolates or lollies, so now I’m onto nutrition, as I only trust low-calorie experts and nutritionists.

Max Raoy Gron says:

As I learned very recently it’s the nuts, frittatas, cabinet fruits, chicken mayo lettuce sandwiches & other sandwiches, muesli bars, that are really junk foods, and that eating them (depending on the fruits or nuts eaten), and being on a 1,200-calorie diet are foolish, and they lead to weight gain, I understood this on the end of December 2024, when I watched “how survival shapes who you are”, that’s when I got much more health-conscious overnight, my consciousness might be at a 1,000, or a 999 8/9 by now, I’m not sure if it’s 1,000, I watch various consciousness videos/videos of consciousness/awareness to study consciousness, including the “mindfulness” video, I’m starting to not need actualized.org now, I’m more aware, I’m that conscious I know much more than from 5 months ago, I began to know how to act. I found that only dipterology, anthology, botany, Kierkegaardian,and sorcery are what I should believe, keeping things simple.

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