What Is Paradox?

By Leo Gura - October 4, 2021 | 5 Comments

Why does paradox exist and what does it tell us about the metaphysics of reality?

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So, what is paradox?
Is anything beyond infinity?
Try to imagine…No no no no no.
that is exactly the opposite direction.

At night, all you know is dreamt, by what?
Waking consciousness is dreamt, by what?
Truth-limited-to-Infinity is dreamt, by what?

Infinity is a box, a nasty limitation of Truth.
Consciousness is like an itch, a nuisance.
But very, very few people want to get out

of ALL incomplete, void-filling loopyness.
First feeling empty, finally feeling filled,
feeling is not Truth, but a cheap bait.

WHAT was before consciousness.
Is this tabu, a silly question?
Perhaps you remember.
It cannot be known
But it can be

Frecher Dachs says:

It’s quite funny that the thumbnail shows a picture of a broken egg with an “eye” as a yolk. It’s funny because the german word of “egg” is “Ei” which is pronounced “eye”

Max the shithead says:

If paradox isn’t an error, if religion was meant to contradict itself, then what’s its claims to truth not being any other way, and how come I can’t get a lot from a little bit? Life is rational, without contradictions, and I very much do think paradox is a mistake. This shit is a lie and Leo tells the truth? It’s genuine what he says? I don’t know, it’s a funny kind of truth, just as my religion is part of the only truth, I had this dream as I slept that I found the truth, and the truth in the dream was the disbelief of religion, if you contemplate and tell yourself things you want to believe, you’re going to believe it, things don’t happen right off the bat, if Leo’s sex videos don’t work, what does that say about the truth? You can’t see the results, otherwise you’ll catch him lying, it’s very sneaky, I don’t think Leo’s lying, I just don’t want to be wrong myself.

Max Raoy Gron says:

Since I “learned” openmindedness from Leo, I’m also now open to paradox, but the above video’s not a simple video of just a paradox, it’s about the “walled garden” of academics avoiding the self-reference problem, seemingly referring to the problem of consciousness, with histories of material scientists closing their minds off to metascience, metaphysics, and religion, scientists don’t study them because with science’s narrow definition it’s not a branch of study concerned with material facts, as I found, there’s such a thing as infinity, you can say infinite ways of constructing sentences and normalise an infinity of things, by infinitely inventing new things to say, as it was replied to my comments, I can construct an infinite number of stories, that’s an error in my reality, because the stories were only meant to be numerous to a point, when I constructed enough stories, and how is love and silence connected?, “…the stories will stop, only the love”, you can love and talk forever, you can even show love for constructing counter-arguments, I don’t see the connection between love and silence. And as for science, as dictionaries only use accepted modern definitions, science over the centuries has become material thus it sneaked its way in Collins Gem definitions of science, when most sciences aren’t these ways of systematic theorising and testing, but merely the testing with study in narrow branches with material facts, it has to be this way because scientists are extremely specific what science they’re conducting.

Max Raoy Gron says:

I caught myself lying in my Word document on my phone, so, if it’s a blessing to lie, then that religion is a lie, it contradicts the truth, I don’t know what the religion was but it was forcing me to tell lies, yes I’m saying I’m a liar, but accidentally I would bullshit because it’s not true, I don’t know what else to do, I had the truth before, but I lost the truth with supernatural bullshit, my mother’s fucking lying, if I believed in no god she would call me a liar, that’s a lie, truth is what I think anyway, I think there is a God and my mind created him, the paradox of reality is that it’s not real, that is, it has no resemblance to physical reality, there’s two realities, the real reality and the fake reality, and I think I’m in the fake reality, pseudo-reality, because I might be believing in a false religion. I’m saying there’s a religion that endorses truth, and religion that lies and tells you to tell the truth when that is itself a lie, yes, GermanenOrden’s a lie, as it must follow that Nazism is a lie. I saw God with the mind’s eye, do you think he’s happy and proud of you? No, he has an angry face from the corruption of Christianity, the paradox of that is that branches of Christianity contradict some of the Biblical teachings, Kierkegaard didn’t say you can’t masturbate, and he didn’t say you can choose to do everything you want under every circumstance, the paradox of freedom of choice is a partial freedom, it’s a set of activities you can do and believe in, it doesn’t indicate a libertarian stance. Leo Gura has a similar problem, he says by aiming for freedom you have no freedom when freedom is responsibility, I see that this is correct, with the belief given you can interpret it the way you want but you have to do things the belief allows. As for customising the teachings I’d be glad to, I was mistaken in thinking my consciousness was at a 960, when it was at a 999 8/9 after all and it raised slightly, from some time in February this year, to 1,000, so that’s how I got impossibly conscious, I got more conscious when I thought I reached my limit, I’m even conscious of the background noise, the light, the darkness, I don’t even have to be empirical and look, I know just by dreaming it, that’s how conscious I am.

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