The Importance Of Real Yoga

By Leo Gura - March 5, 2018 | 12 Comments

How to start an old-school meditative yoga practice

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saurabh jadhav says:

hi leo, i think you said (about a 7-8 episodes back) that you are going to share some resourses with us,i am not quite sure what kind of resoureses or whether online or offline neighter i remember the exact episode name.
thanks(as always!!)

Jim Feiling says:

very interesting leo.

Jasper says:

Hi Leo, I’m struggling to access the book Kriya Yoga on your booklist and on your website. Is there a hard copy which I can buy from a bookstore? If so what is the exact name and Author?

Sean says:

Hey leo,

Very interesting video. I was wondering if these techniques would still be beneficial and recommend by you to someone who is relatively new to personal development(actually being very serious about it and taking action and implementing and sticking to things anyway). Ive taken a lot of the advice you have given for beginners( cutting out negative addictions like alcohol, tv, social media, too much time on phone ect) and have made daily practices of meditation, gratitude, going over/visualizing my life purpose/ ideal life, watching a video of yours daily to build up my knowledge in theory and taking notes on them ect. I also just purchased your book list. For my particular circumstance would you recommend getting the book and implementing its techniques or should I stick to what ive been doing for awhile first?

Ive already noticed benefits in the short time of following your advice and am dedicated to sticking to this journey and being the best version of myself. I really appreciate all the work you have put into this site and your pursuit of spreading valuable life changing knowledge to us all.

Thanks for your time and keep up the awesome work!

Jimmy Feiling says:

Papa Giuseppe! Oh daddddy.

Olga says:

Hi Leo, I think somebody else had the same problem- we purchased the booklist and tried to find the book you recommended on Kriya Yoga. I wasn’t able to locate it, can you please advice? Thank you

awais says:

leo where can i get this book from not able to get access from your booklist…

Matt says:

I am reading the book now. I think there are some beneficial techniques but I am wary of claims of astral projection, chakras, etc. How would one differentiate these claims from other unsubstantiated religious superstitious claims? I will remain cautiously open minded

Michelle says:

Someone plz tell me what is the actual name of the book? I see several books about kriya yoga.

Andrew says:

Nice try, guys. There’s only one book on Kriya Yoga on the book list-it’s not that hard to find. I imagine Leo must have spent a LOT of time researching and reading these books, the least you can do is buy the book list. Believe me, its absolutely worth it!

Eloise says:

Hi Leo, you are fantastic and so on my level. Well done and keep up the good work!

Sandra says:

Hi Leo! I bought your booklist and I wanted to try Kriya Yoga.However, when I told my friends about it, they discouraged me. They told me that It is dangerous. I might awaken kundalini too soon; and there are complications if I am not yet ready for it. They said if I want to practice it, I must have a guru. However, you told u in the video that we don’t need to. I have been meditating and studying for 6mos everyday. Would you recommend Kriya Yoga to someone new to this? I will really appreciate it if you will answer my question. I’m drawn to Kriya Yoga but still can’t decide if I should practice it. Thank you!

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