How Psychedelics Work

By Leo Gura - February 20, 2020 | 22 Comments

Making sense of the psychedelic experience

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Pubudu says:

Hi Leo,

I would love to give it a try (Psychedelic), but in Australia nothing available. If you have any insight as to where I can get it from or what types available, please let me know.


Alex says:

Go to Amsterdam or Oregon! Many places around the world where it’s legal to buy psychedelics. Go to those places!!!

Jannifer says:

Where to go in Oregon?

El Rio says:

Yes, magic mushrooms, or psilocybin mushrooms, grow in Australia. Some species include Psilocybe subaeruginosa, Psilocybe tasmaniana, and Psilocybe semilanceata.
Species of psilocybin mushrooms in Australia
Psilocybe subaeruginosa: Found in native forests, pine plantations, and on dung in southern Australia
Psilocybe tasmaniana: Related to Psilocybe subaeruginosa
Psilocybe semilanceata: Found in Australia, as well as in temperate parts of Europe, North America, Asia, and South America

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G says:

Read Metahuman by Deepak Chopra if the concept of material/external reality as imaginary is difficult for you to understand.

Jenna says:

Hi Pubudu,

I grow my own mushrooms with PF Tek method. At least in the United States it is not illegal to purchase spores online since they are non-psychoactive. I have had great success and I like that I grow my own. There is a special reward in growing your own food to feed your brain.

Take care, Jenna

Anthony says:

Hi Leo,

Which psychedelics can you overdose on (in a lethal way)?

Thank you,

Colossus says:

I am going for my first DMT session tomorrow. I am happy I found this video. I will let you all know how it goes.

Abs says:

Hi Leo,

This video has been taken down from YouTube. I was halfway though it when it happened. Could you post it in an alternate location?

Thank you,

Laurent Gaudet says:

Hi Leo,
This has been very very insightful. I appreciate having found your website and your new content!

Can one be so open minded, so unbiased, as to be willing to locate an opening in the fabric of consciousness? A door, an exit point out of the mind, out of consciousness, all of it, out of God?

Perhaps just to take a peek and return? Perhaps to report on consciousness’ structure and motive, as non-experienced from ‘outside’? That, which cannot be spoken of. But still, a ‘trip’ which might yield expressible effects?

Max the shithead says:

Oh no, Leo’s finding ways to crush my ordinariness, I happen to be ordinary and only want ordinary high consciousness, it does work without the quirkiness. I’m utterly disgusted at what the quirky game does: individual, unique, not ordinary, fuck off, I just want to be like everybody else! I just want teachings for the ordinary man, without altering that. It doesn’t have to deviate from the ordinary, unordinary isn’t “better” than the ordinary, it’s creepier, scarier, stranger and less familiar, I’d rather be drug-free and remain sane than end up in a mental institution with doctors not letting me out of there.

Max the shithead says:

Since from the above comment when I was much more conscious than I ever have been and still am now (but somehow not conscious of my user name until I read it in above comment), I’m humble enough to admit how wrong Leo is about tripping on mushrooms or God knows what those substances he named that he mentioned are, science is simply about the natural world and those “trips” is a result of bad research, I’m not saying they’re merely hallucinations, but with those illicit or such substances as ayahuasca and yaje, they damage the state of reality and mess up your mind, science is about soberly seeing reality for what it is, without altering reality in any way, it’s literally about the truth, and drugs, spirituality, religion isn’t fucking literally the truth!, it’s just a transcendent reality with no facts and no proof, I’m also humble enough to “treat your body like a temple”, to paraphrase Leo’s health video, and wouldn’t put the “bad” drugs in my body, just the good “drugs” like coffee, cola, caffeine, tea, alcohol, tobacco, and smoking, and the “good” drugs like supplements, medicines, and pills, as part of an addictive personality, which I say like “a nutritious diet”. Note the difference of positions in the quotation marks (“); I think any other way is unwise, is dangerous, and will ruin your life!

Max the shithead says:

As I mentioned science above, I’m saying this because I’ve done some serious science and it can’t all be a fantasy like Leo’s simplistic generalisations of pooh-poohing science, only my higher education, real school “kindergarten” stuff and juvenile study from some experience with insects and plants is sufficient understanding, and yes it uses science, and only that in comparison to Leo’s “trip reports” from his godforsaken “experience” would be the truth, I like to see things as they are, without altering my perceptions/consciousness in any way, that’s what science is for, would I go to an institute to see a mushroom-tripping hippie, or a hard-wired scientist?, the answer is obviously the scientist, we don’t get these ridiculous psychedelic teachings in any institute, we get scientists, psychiatrists, cardiologists, etc and professors at an institute, nothing that results from evil drugs only naughty hippies take. So fuck this, with drugs, and his attack on scientific facts, and not having the guts to say he’s wrong, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, I can speak with authority about science because I’ve done the experiments & watched a documentary of it on YouTube and wrote it down on my mobile and I can tell you from experience that I have valid science, how a moth behaves, how frogs live in a wet environment and how the plum is in the rose family.

Max the shithead says:

As I learned Romanticism in the sciences, and thusly I understand myself, I learned of a unified and organic Nature, and still making the scientific observations, and that knowledge is only attainable by those who truly appreciate and respect nature, and that’s all there is to it, all the religions, spirituality, superstitions and mysticism as I know it, I’ll throw it all away in the incinerator, to only believe in secular things like pessimism, ordinariness, anti-Australianism, batrachology, lepidopterology, botany, regimen of an iron man, and Romanticism, since I found truth from the latter accidentally, so to believe in Romanticism I would have to drop my religion, spirituality, mysticism and superstitions (when in any of the four it was mainly religion).

Max the shithead says:

It’s hard to get out of your religion, I wrote a number of times what reality is, that it’s just nature, & I was wrong, and I contradicted that in my own writing by healing it with religion, saying how real God is, I know you’re going to reject this, but there isn’t any imaginary things like ghosts, elves and hobgoblins, pagan belief, there’s only God, as I found this is what I truly believe, my immersion into the Low Church, Puritanism, Kierkegaardian philosophy, or any clerical faith didn’t feel right, it felt like a transfer outside the scope of my reality and what I really think, do you think that way when it comes to beliefs? is the question. None of it ever is working except the Low Church, I’m really saying it’s getting outside of all I believe in by doing science/no religion and I think, and never to fail it again, will try even harder to believe my religion with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind, which isn’t an easy thing to do, which leads me to this godforsaken life that gets only worse when reinvented or readjusted under any circumstances, forgive me on the experimentation with the philosophy of Romanticism, but the majority wins over.

Max Gron says:

The above were just confused thoughts of Max the shithead, they will go away and I’ll gradually (in two days) return to my ordinary beliefs/life, but I’m not risking a demon that might kill me by taking psychedelics, this isn’t the answer, as the fool will just do what Leo says and be duped into thinking these drugs “are” good. Now I know for sure: the reality if not truth is my life, what I think, my indirect and direct experiences, as well as bad experiences/mistakes alike, by being fully imbued in all of the teachings of Leo that I was listening to, I wouldn’t simply be a fool, but a big fool getting in trouble, getting in awkward situations I shouldn’t get in. It’s not all going to let me live going in this dangerous realm, as the cracks are starting to show, I’d rather do Christology as the new belief and end all the demonic nonsense from false prophets.

Max Gron says:

I choose a high Christology, I believe Jesus was a pre-existent divine being who became a human, did the Father’s will on earth, and then was taken back up into heaven whence he had originally come, this I knew from memory, it’s simple, and it inspires me to believe in Christianity more.

Max the shithead says:

Do you think hallucinogenic drugs make you more conscious? Fuck off!, they put you to sleep, if hippie bullshit is all you know, then have a taste of the real world where it’s brutal and things literally appear as they are or seem. Leo’s the one who needs to wake up, drugs make you look like a nut, it’s frigging stupid.

El Rio says:

I got a lot out of this video Leo. Thank you.

After reading about the work with psilocybin by John Hopkins I grew a batch (legally), did a ton of research and took the plunge with 4.7 grams Amazon.

These experiences changed my life and put me immediately on the vertical path. After the 3rd trip I began meditating daily and reading everything I could find on new ideas to me that turned out to be ancient and mostly forgotten knowledge. Eventually I landed at Actualized.Org.

At times I’ve tried to relate my learnings with others but the response is the same, “Well you just hallucinated all of that”.

Which I KNEW was not true, but now I have some arguments.

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