Everyone Acts From Good Intentions
By Leo Gura - August 23, 2021 | 15 Comments
Understanding goodness flows through all human actors
I see this meta-intellectual philosophy of ethics of yours is about love behind our limited good intentions, it’s a pity how you can die for caring so much about grinding those other people to the dust, but isn’t it hypocritical when you hate the materialists and ideologists yourself?
Now you know what people mean when they say you make words up. Rather than good intentions you have true intentions, you think everything you say and believe is always true non-stop, some people always have clownish intentions and some people even once have cruel intentions. Isn’t it suspicious that you don’t believe in made up words yet you make them up? Admit it, all your life you believed in things wrong.
I discovered there’s two of me in one body: my mind and my spirit, therefore I have two selves. Why is everything not oneself? Do people hate selves so they even hate not people, but their selves? Screw all that, I love myself, it should be selfishly about myself.
Love the murder, that literally means you should love how selfish I am, I stopped rationalising and believing in selfishness. Most people see people as not having selfish intentions but get real! Do you think I don’t know I’m selfish? Of course I know I’m bloody selfish! But I’m no longer selfish so thanks a lot because I’m going in the right direction. I hate compassion, I don’t know why, I never agreed with it, I’m cold and selfless and unkind. I’m the greediest of the greedy, I’m a pig, that is a pig of money and cigarettes. I hope in having mercy somebody agrees with it, but maybe not, even if my morals are good they kick my arse off the stage! It’s not really about what’s good, it’s about your selfish preferences of what only benefits you. My morals are merely about being good, but I suppose I can’t make up morals anymore because I always wanted to be a humanitarian. My morals don’t “work”, the way it “works” only works by what helps all of us and whenever I’m not helping you you class me as evil, wicked or bad. Do you see it’s dangerous? It’s dangerous, you react as if I killed a man, blindness in not seeing how good I am and when I’m brutally honest, telling you these “evil” truths you call me a liar, not Leo but a more angry, kill-worthy man sees all this as pure evil and he thinks I have selfish intentions, I care a lot, I care the most around here, I’m radically all about us.
I’m not believing some of Leo’s bullshit, truth is love and happiness but it’s not a pretty picture or optimism, not yet anyway, think about it, why is it the easiest thing to be in trouble? Leo’s content isn’t believed or cared about by anyone in my life, who cares? Only you give a shit about eliminating the ego and ideology, nobody cares. Only two people in the universe care about going to the gym. The only one who cares to believe no beliefs and only follow you is me, the truth is it’s not easy and when a thing is not easy it’s very difficult to give these things up. If my housemate didn’t ruin my life I wouldn’t need actualized videos and Jordan Peterson in the first place! I just can’t imagine how easy it is to return to my original nature: an optimist when 25 years, a no-bullshit hectic man, and a skinny man who lives an ascetic lifestyle and didn’t chase money, the reality is that stuff is hard, and what’s hard is hard, what’s easy is just as painfully difficult, it’s not easy to make your life easy.
I’m not afraid, I bloody well love it. What I don’t do is the avoidance of demanding normalcy and equality, do you see the universe isn’t perfect? Do you see that no matter how you try, the devil’s coming around some time or other? Do you see that this is cheap labour, this spiritual work? It’s cheap, it pretends I’m one of those derelicts out of money and homeless, you think you’re taking us out of self-deception? Well Leo, what about the shared deception that we’re derelicts who aren’t so fancy, eating beans, dressed in rags and this is love? Well it doesn’t give a flying fuck about me otherwise I would have $1MILLION and self-help wouldn’t be my domain anymore, and I would’ve had the real love: good food, good wine, gourmandism, and spirituality is out the window, only to help me with my success and afford to know the truth.
to a half-extent I thought I was always good non-stop, and only had good intentions, but there were times I had bad intentions and not good intentions at all, when I’m deliberately evil I don’t have good intentions, I have evil intentions and I didn’t think I was good, I thought I was the devil: magical, selfish, evil, quirky, proud, skeptical, cynical, what’s good got to do with it, even if Luciferianism has good intentions? When I was altruistic I had good intentions but there was trouble on the internet being said to be a monster, I got away with it when I put the seat down with one arm using my muscles for a child to sit on, you would think this is decent behaviour. What I am is bold, I intend to do things most people are afraid of, I’m actually so bold I can exploit my science on everyone openly in public and the public in me getting away with it would be shocked, they would let me terrorise them with my dangerous intrusion with science, that’s how bold I am. I’m so bold I can open my mouth to a hothead with no feeling of shame that they’re going to hurt me, nobody I’ve ever seen in the entire world is as bold as me, they’re not as risky and not as daring, but every urge I have I do it, I dare to expose myself for everyone to see me do riske things in public, why do you think with no guilt I can openly act religious in public? And why would I scare people when the next day they can’t handle it? And why am I such a fool as to do any dangerous, even worthy-of-getting-my-arse-kicked things from any boo at all? Precisely because I’m a stage red person who can expose myself to negative attention!
I’m out of here, I know I’m good, as even my friends tell me I’m good, they even call me Max the Great. They agreed to my very acts, I think I lost my good, it got corrupted from the very beginning of Luciferianism and individualism. What I lost was the true good, the good of the silver rule, mercy, health/cleanliness, no covetousness, and consolation. That’s good according to the people I struggled to get approval from, but silver rule isn’t an accepted rule, that’s its flaw, it’s, unlike the golden rule, not perfectly acceptable socially, the golden rule is shady, no one wants to see such morals I created, and it has nothing to do with religion. It doesn’t work as no morals ever work, I don’t think they do, except the morals that do, such as religiosity, it works and there’s so much to enjoy of peace of mind. What I want is to come home neither selfish nor selfless, doing merciful and pure acts, it’s not moral, that part of Christianity has nothing to do with morals, it’s more to do with forgiveness of good people, it’s not about morals and it’s not about being good, it’s not about rules and regulations or sin, it’s about martyrdom in the kingdom of heaven.
Everyone always has good intentions, it’s not exactly like that, it’s only approximately like that, people who avoid good purposely usually don’t have bad intentions, as I learned about Taoism, it has positive intentions, even if you have bad or evil intentions, you still have positive intentions, no one has negative intentions, they think they’re positive. Selfishness is simply people getting morally perverted because they don’t care about you, they’re thinking on the back of their minds selfishness is good, and they’ll defend their selfishness.
About the polarisation you say is also in America, we also have similar yet religious polarisation in Australia, between the Christians and the non-Christians, the Christians see non-Christian doctrine as a threat to their faith, they see it as trying to rid the world of Christianity, my solution’s simple, it’s to meaninglessly and valuelessly follow strict Puritanism, the fundamentalist kind, with just 4 doctrines even though there’s a bunch of beliefs in every one of them, not to get outside of the years of attempting at Puritanism, for the sake of conformity with my half-brother, he who says non-Christians are going to hell, it’s not a war specifically with religion, or against atheism, or anti-theism, but a war specifically with non-Christian doctrine, they’re not targeting a specific belief, just as there’s wars with Muslims between non-Muslims, infidels and people outside of their version of Islam, it’s just a matter even of the Ishikis making war with every Muslim in their area pointing out what a false Islam this is, its intention was to end wars but a sectarian faith doesn’t end wars, it starts wars over a sect, just as Catholics are themselves sectarian, they’re having a go at the non-Catholics, and they call it heresy, of course the Protestants don’t intend to be heretics, you actually become a heretic by making up your own even smaller sect of a denomination. That’s what gets people in some trouble, it’s through puritanical doctrine that a man doesn’t want accepted/orthodox belief, he wants belief he has and is an authority over the majority who doesn’t care, Puritans are that group of people stereotypically regarded as selfish or as arseholes, considering that this isn’t the case, the Puritan isn’t an individualist, his intention is to be common, like a common man, but consider the possibility that through that instead of conforming he expects other people to be Puritans like him. That’s how it is in this country with a government that stopped being about resources, power, and advantages of the country of Australia and started being about the control, welfare state, and taxing, and extracting money from the people, the intention is that it’s good for the country, it’s done through a twisted care of Australia but it’s still done selfishly to suit the politicians and not the rest of the country, even though to them it’s good for the country.
Of all the good intentions of people and of people you don’t know, it’s shit to everyone else except themselves. The reality is the vegans don’t care about the bees pollinating the flowers, by eating nuts you’re killing the bees, including with almonds, walnuts and pistachios, also when you eat flowers (except flowers as cauliflower and broccoli) and avocados, but vegans don’t care about that, also by eating wheat you’re killing the vermin from somebody in a combine harvester, no wheat, nuts, or avocados, and no coconuts, you’re destroying the orangutans, be on the lookout for palm oil and palm kernel oil, the vegans aren’t moral people, there’s a difference between minimising harm to animals and following moral rules, as the silver rule, to be good. It’s all with good intentions, but I have a heart for old wive’s tales with no evidence, I see people assume they’re naive. Those folks like superstitious people and religious people aren’t naive, and they’re not crazy, just ignorant.
Of the good intentions of people, they tend to have this unique delusion that being best my way is evil and sinking to their mediocrity is the best, people find it painful to accept me exactly the way I am and not accept me the way they think I should be, but I’m just a good guy, to be accepted of everything I do, to people that hurts, they think accepting all of me no matter what leads to evil. What I’m against isn’t the hatred, I’m against non-rational thinking. It’s simple, loving me times a million is the ultimate solution. If I’m not the best, then who’s better, who? I do things in the finest ways, I even refuse to change, objectively I’m too good, people are just jealous, people should enjoy it, I challenge people with this, what seems purely evil I tell people to enjoy it, that’s all you have to do, to enjoy me and have some fun, it’s not going to work until I keep to myself.
Really nice episode Leo. I learned from it and that’s why I’m here.
I should note I skipped over this one several times probably because of the chick with the knife behind her back. Probably my lizard brain saying, STAY AWAY from that!
Of all those juvenile beliefs, I think it’s shit, there’s a lot of anti-philosophical people who would insult me at the drop of your stupid, rotten brains, I probably don’t belong here, your understanding comes from your arse, they don’t do this in an intellectual community, shit for brains everyone on actualized has, as clinging to imaginary things is sad, Leo’s shit is a human invention, it’s not true, there, I said it, it’s all the same, my friends lie to me telling me everyone is lying, but I got the fucking truth from them, also, my mother lies about atheists being wrong, you anti-intellectuals, if I expressed atheism you call me an idiot, even with secular talk, I’m not naturally religious, punk, I think there’s good without god, fuck this shit, I’m coming out the closet: I’m an atheist and a closet weirdo, I’m glad I said that, acting normal most of the time, it’s not the real me.
As for being an atheist, I give it up, either I’m an apatheist or I’m religious these days, I don’t believe in the material anymore, your God might not be Allah, I think the theories of Islam are truer than that of a pantheist, or of false Islam, I’m not as tight on Leo as I have been, I think Paulicianism and Bogomilism were used by people during the Byzantine oppression, who appeared as Christians (they were really Muslims), so yeh, we have good intentions, and I’m trying harder.