3 Step Formula To Be Ruthlessly Effective At Anything

By Leo Gura - April 11, 2016 | 35 Comments

A simple strategy for how to master any domain in life.

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Lili says:

Dear Leo,
I think I am the first for commenting to this video. Thank you for making the intention of my life commitment easier. I am always taking the hard and complicated path to do something in my life that is often time-consuming, stressful and very difficult to achieve. I have to give up to try to be perfect and accept myself as who I am. Greate video!!!

Louise says:

I’m on the LP Course, reading the biographies of the greats at the moment and this has been really helpful (repetition of the concepts on the course). Cheers. There definitely are many distractions out there, not to mention internally. #maintainfocusandstaygrounded

Sue says:

I was waiting eagerly for this weeks video, didn’t disappoint. as always thank you.

Chiara says:

Ciao Leo,
Thank you for your video, very insipiring, as usual!
The reason why I am writing you is regarding step 1: finding your domain.
I am on the life purpose course (almoust finished the core concepts stage) which I am taking very seriously, because I believe in it. At the same time, I am getting aware of the fact that probably I have got a problem with the opposite sex. I feel quite unconfindent in attracting men and actually I am struggling with this field of my life. But, when I hear you talking about enlightment, I am very impressed and fascinated by it. So the constraint I am facing here is finding the one field to put my energy in, to focus on. I feel that every field I talked about above Is important and meaningful to me, but I feel stuck because I don’t know where to focus now. Could you please help me?

Thanks for your time,
Best regards,

Leo Gura says:

That’s normal.

Get to the Values Assessment part of the course. It addresses this very issue by helping you determine the priorities of your values.

Chiara says:

Thank you very much Leo!

I was like a bit lost in the woods but now I know where I have to go.
Thanks again!

Sandra says:


Your messages are very powerful and I have been following you for a couple of years now. I have created expanding excitement in my life based on my truth and your ideas have had an unquestionable impact on my thinking to help me pursue so much.

Thank you for existing,


Rod Power says:

Really good, practical information Leo

Jeffrey says:

You the man, Leo. (Or are you?)

Dora says:

Hi Leo,

Thanks again for another great material! I liked also the highlighting fact of how we get distracted by our culture!!! Very important reminder!!!!
This video arrives in a perfect time when my intention is to Master Courage and to learn how to flow with life, specially not to take criticism or people’s rude attitudes very personal.

Also the beauty under what you said is that The technique or techniques will arrive as a pieces of a puzzle!!!

Thank you again for keep sharing your time and mission!!!! It is deeply appreciated !!!!


neil byrne says:

I am getting better and better everyday in every area of my life ever since I started watching your videos and meditating.

Ash says:

Great video. I like the 29 minute video.
The problem as always is having the time to do these habits and committing to them every single day. It’s tough when there are so many distractions in life and ‘pulls’ such as family, work and social ones.
But as always good nuggets.

Fire says:

Leo, thank you so much for providing me with all these great advice and deep insight. I really appreciate it. I watched your videos everyday to remind myself to stay focus and on point.

You have no idea how much all of your free videos have helped me changed my life for the better. You are awesome, Leo. Out of all the self help mentors out there, I must say, Tony Robbins and Leo Gera is my absolute all time favorite. Hands down, you two are the best at helping people change their lives for the better.


Fire says:

I just noticed the error in my spelling of your last name Leo. Sorry about that. I spelt it Gura but auto correct changed it to Gera. Lmao

Uldis says:

Great video !

But point 2 is oversimplified.
Even in such simple endeavor as training for marathon one must to use different techniques in different stages and not to train every day.
But with modified point 2, I think, system could work.
I’ll definitely try it out.

morgan clark says:

I look forward to watching your videos every week Leo,this one has a very strong message behind it because i trade the markets.My deliberate intention is to become a consistently successful trader.This strategy confirms to me that i am on the right path towards achieving that goal of consistency.Every thing else in your course keeps me grounded and focused on my intent.Many Thanks Morgan

karen Max says:

Brilliant. Thank you so much. So glad I found you on line.

irtaza says:

thank you leo…you are great

Elif says:

Hi Leo, I appreciate your work. Your videos are really hellpful but in this video I didn’t get one thing; you are suggesting that creating more eye contact with other people could improve self confidence. This suggestion confused me. If I feel confident I naturally make eye contact with others. If I don’t feel confident isn’t that the main reason that I don’t make eye contact? Are you suggesting to force myself to make eye contact? So I am confused which one comes first? Which one causes the other?

Leo Gura says:

Why is that so confusing?

If your child was bad at arithmetic, you would tell him to sit down and do arithmetic problems, and if he told you, “But how can I do arithmetic when I’m not good at arithmetic?”, what would you tell him?

Elif says:

Thank you for the answer but I think I wouldn’t say just sit down and study. I would try to understand why she is bad at arithmetic? May be she is bad because she is having difficulties with understanding numbers and needs special teaching. May be she has problems in the class with her teacher or classmates..May be she beleives that she is stupid and she cant do arithmetic even if she studies.If she is just lazy and doesn’t want to study at all; this is totally different problem. So which one of these problems could be solved by studying arithmetic??

Leo Gura says:

You’re overthinking things. If you want get better at anything, just do it consistently.

I am not saying that practicing eye-contact is necessarily the technique you should use. That was a random example. You must find your own high-yield technique for building confidence.

Tait Jones says:

Since arithmetic is the example. There is an excellent example that I read this morning of what do do and not do in “How to win Friends and influence people”, Read the chapter titled “How to make mistakes seem easy to correct”

Murphia says:

Thank you!!!

Mayur Ghule says:

This formula is so useful , hard to stay committed but one who stays committed would become highly productive machine.

Thank You

Sharon says:

Bravo!!!!! Simple, and effective!!!! Exponential growth by daily habit no matter what.
Love you , Leo!!!

Sharon says:


First set your intention. That is, you decide!

With clear intention, the technique comes to you. Be very conscious of it.

Yuri says:

Hay , Tait Jones from where can I read ” How to win friends and influence people ”…

Please reply

Good King Elliot says:

It’s a book by Dale Carnegie. You can find out about it using a search engine near you!

Nadine says:

Leo, you are an astounding man with the wisdom of a 1000-year-old; you are in a class of your own. All the other teachers and medications in the world have not done for me what you are doing for me. I thank you. I feel like I want to repay you, and the only way I can do that besides telling people I know about you is to at least click the “like” button, but it does not appear on these videos lol. Help?

Valeria says:

Thank you sooo much! and yes I do not take these teachings for granted because they are for free!!!

Steve says:

Love this!!!!!!!

Neil Hector says:


Jessica Bunn says:

I am watching your videos now daily.

THANK YOU, Leo. I really feel the difference!

Max Raoy Gron says:

This is my first comment on this, so, my high yield technique for effective truth is to believe the wisdom of philosophy and in science, without being distracted by myths, or any lies or downfall on the intellect, like, try any sciences and philosophies based on time-tested beliefs, and stick to them, that’s my method, it’s really simple and straightforward: don’t believe any bullshit, but experiment with those different philosophies and sciences until you find ones that are true, and stick to them.

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Replying To: Rod Power