Tinnitus Cure - Part 2

By Leo Gura - October 9, 2024

I’m sharing another cure for Tinnitus. It’s called Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT). Basically, how it works is that you buy special red laser earbuds and wear them 20-30 minutes each day. The red light from the laser is very strong and penetrates deep into your inner ear. This red light has the ability to stimulate cell healing and regeneration. Clinical studies show that red light of certain wave lengths can help to stimulate cell healing and improve the healing of wounds. How reliable are such studies? I don’t know, but if you’re suffering from tinnitus you’ll try anything.

There is solid anecdotal evidence that LLLT has helped to reduce some people’s tinnitus. But keep in mind that these results are highly variable. Not all tinnitus is the same and LLLT does not work for everyone who tries it. But I have read credible reports where it significantly helped people with tinnitus, and from my own case it seems to have helped me, although not entirely. It’s a partial remedy at best.

How to do LLLT:

  • You need to purchase very specific red laser earbuds. Click Here for the product I recommend. This is the product I use. It costs $840. This includes a device and two sets of earbuds, each emits a different wavelength of light. One is visible red (660nm) and the other is barely visible infrared (808nm).
  • If you think this price is expensive, it’s actually the cheapest version of this device. Other brands cost $1500+. There’s not many brands available. You can potentially try to buy a used version.
  • You can buy that device on this page. There are many versions of the device for sale, with various headsets and colors. I recommend the following model: emLas-520BCB. That’s the black colored version, you can also buy it in white color if you prefer.
  • Once you receive the device, start low and slow. Don’t use it more than 15 mins per day for the first week or two. During this period pay close attention to how your tinnitus changes, if at all.
  • Be careful because there is a small chance that this could make your tinnitus worse. Test gradually.
  • In practice LLLT can temporarily make tinnitus a bit worse, but after a few days your ears should heal and improve and ultimately the tinnitus lowers over weeks. So expect that kind of process. Healing will not necessarily feel better every day.
  • Alternate between the two different sets of earbuds every day. So, do a day of 660nm light, followed the next day by 808nm light, and keep switching. Using multiple wavelengths gives you more chances to activate healing.
  • As long as your tinnitus is not getting much worse, increase the duration that you use the earphones each day, up to 30 minutes per day.
  • Once I realized that this device is not making my tinnitus worse, I started using it 20 mins on 660nm + 20 mins of 808nm light each day. For 40 mins total. And I plan to increase that even more in the future.
  • Keep doing this practice every day for at least a month. Possibly more. It just depends on how things feel for you.
  • I recommend you buy some extra ear tips for your device on that website at checkout. They sell various sizes of ear tips. Buy various sizes because you can’t predict which set of tips will fit your ears best. The cost is minimal relative to the shipping fees you’ll have to pay to order a single set of tips. It’s also good to have extra tips in case you lose one or they get too dirty.
  • It is recommended that you modify the ear tips you receive by cutting off 1/3rd of the base. This ensures that the red laser emitter sits closer to your ear, so the light penetrates deeper into your ear. This modification is easy to make with small sharp scissors or Exacto-knife.

Here’s a link to a forum where this treatment protocol is discussed in great detail.

Do your research before trying this method. I make no promises that it will work for you, and it could potentially make things worse. So use your best judgment.

Note: This is not a sales promotion, affiliate offer, or sponsorship. I receive no money from you buying this device.

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