The Universe As A Membrane

By Leo Gura - January 23, 2017

Imagine that in the beginning the universe was a giant, smooth, hollow rubber balloon — a pliable sphere. Now imagine this membrane gets a convolution or deformation on it. It sticks in or sticks out a bit. And this convolution gets its own convolution, and so on. Pretty quickly you’ve got what looks like a complex “object” sitting on the surface of this sphere. And now this process happens at thousands, millions, billions, trillions of different places on the sphere, giving the appearance of trillions of complex “objects”. But from the big picture, everything is just one membrane. Every object is cut from the same cloth so to speak. Except the cloth is not even cut. It’s just one elaborately involuted sheet.


Look around you and try to see the world in this way.

Look at your coffee table, your lamp, your couch, your car, your spouse, your cat or dog, your hands, the tree outside your window — and notice that it isn’t separate from you — it’s all YOU! Everything you see is one intricate membrane, or “thing”. The individuality of “objects” is a second-order emergent phenomena — a sort of illusion. At the first-order, it’s all like just one membrane.

Now you start to get a taste of what mystics means when they say everything is one. But it’s still only intellectual for you. You haven’t truly grasped it yet as REALITY.

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