The Ultimate Explanation Of Intelligence
By Leo Gura - February 27, 2025
I have achieved a new breakthrough in my understanding of Intelligence. This is one of the most advanced, profound, and life-changing understandings in my body of work.
Intelligence is more fundamental than wisdom. People get this backwards. Wisdom is derivative of intelligence, not the the way around. Intelligence is what’s fundamental because intelligence is an absolute property of consciousness. Wisdom is a 2nd order derivative of God’s absolute intelligence. When people say that wisdom is more important than intelligence, they are wrong because they have made the mistake of confusing intelligence with IQ or a narrow form of analytic intelligence, raw calculation ability, or academic conceptual knowledge. High IQ people often act in unwise, egotistical, or immoral ways, but that is because high IQ is still a relatively low intelligence. True high intelligence is always aligned with wisdom because if an action is unwise, it is not truly intelligent. Humans have improperly defined intelligence because humans do not comprehend its metaphysical origin and centrality. The reason intelligence must be more fundamental than wisdom is because pure intelligence must be baked into the fabric and structure of physical reality (Mind) in order to give it perfect order. Wisdom cannot do that. Wisdom is not low-level enough. Wisdom is linguistic, conceptual, thought-based. Intelligence is at the atomic level, at the level of being and substance. Intelligence is what gives the Universe its beautiful order. The physics and logic that structures reality and life, and the mental coherence that generates sanity, is Intelligence. If one is wise, it is only because God’s intelligence is flowing through one’s mind with the same ease it flows through the Universe at large.
Intelligence is a feature of Mind at large. Intelligence is how an infinite field (Mind) organizes itself, how it flows, and its degree of sentient comprehension. An infinite field can organize itself and flow in such a manner that it is able to comprehend itself. The more of this field that incorporates, comprehends, and attends to all parts of itself, the more intelligent it becomes, until at its peak every part of the field is integrated into a holistic, self-aware, fluid Unity, organizing all the finite sub-parts of itself for maximum goodness, beauty, and self-awareness, with minimal self-impedance. At the highest intelligence the field reaches total holistic integration and absolutely perfect self-organization. This self-organization is metaphysically spontaneous — actual magic. When every part of reality is perfectly self-organized it achieves omniscience and omnipotence. It comprehends its own existence with absolute perfection. An infinite field, of infinite finite parts, perfectly coordinates to achieve complete self-awareness by metaphysical logical necessity.
True intelligence must have a spiritual component because all intelligence ultimately comes from God. A purely materialist, rationalist, atheist, scientific mind cannot be intelligent because it is an intelligence forever disconnected from Source, from Itself — an intelligence not fully holistic, an intelligence incapable of comprehending its own origin. True intelligence requires seeing the importance of deconstructing the self, deconstructing the so-called material world, of deconstructing all imaginary boundaries and divisions in order to apprehend and re-collect more and more dissociated aspects of itself, to reach ever higher levels of abstraction and metaphysical comprehension in order to ultimately achieve complete Unity and realize itself as Sovereign, as God. Achieving this level of intelligence — to reach towards Absolute Intelligence — requires purifying mind of human corruption, finite identification, and selfishness to become a superconductor of God’s intelligence. Only when you are conscious that you must let God flow through you will you be truly intelligent. Furthermore, true intelligence requires the desire to be Good. It is impossible to be intelligent without the realization that intelligence requires that you seek the Good and align with the Good. Any failure to see or recognize the Good is failure of intelligence, a lack of consciousness’s capacity to recognize itself. To not pursue the Good when you could, is simply stupid.
The entire spiritual path can be framed as the mind’s ascent from low to high to infinite intelligence. This ascent can only go so far without a parallel ascent towards the Good. Eventually the two paths, the path of intelligence and the path of doing Good must converge into complete Unity because they are metaphysically identical.
Unintelligence is anything which creates self-interference, incoherence, and obstructive division or stuckness within an infinite field of finite parts. Anything which separates or obstructs Infinite Mind from functioning as a perfect Unity. Unintelligence is anything that gums up the super-conductance of the mind field. A fully unified Mind has zero self-interference and zero loss of self-awareness and power. In this way, intelligence reaches identity with omnipotence.
Being closedminded is unintelligent. Being ideological is unintelligent. Being egotistical is unintelligent. Materialism is unintelligent. Scientism is unintelligent. Reductionism is unintelligent. Atheism is unintelligent. Religion is unintelligent. Academic analytic philosophy is unintelligent. Greed is unintelligent. Profit maximization is unintelligent. Chasing money, fame, status, and sex is unintelligent. Sacrificing long-term gains for short-term gains is unintelligent. Abusing, exploiting, scamming, manipulating, and coercing people is unintelligent. Being arrogant is unintelligent. Taking shortcuts is unintelligent. Not caring about truth is unintelligent. Lying is unintelligent. Exaggeration and bragging is unintelligent. Acting inauthentically to gain the approval of others is unintelligent. Being emotionally reactive is unintelligent. Group-think and conformity is unintelligent. Addiction to anything is unintelligent. Being a workaholic is unintelligent. Being partisan or tribal is unintelligent. Eating junk food is unintelligent. Polluting your environment is unintelligent. Hating and trolling anyone is unintelligent. Being racist is unintelligent. Being sexist is unintelligent. Being homophobic is unintelligent. Creating propaganda is unintelligent. Being lazy is unintelligent. Consuming low quality information is unintelligent. Judging others for their mistakes and unconscious behaviors is unintelligent. Moral crusading is unintelligent. Demonizing and strawmanning your opponents is unintelligent. Naming-calling is unintelligent. Chasing after views and clicks is unintelligent. Violent communication is unintelligent. Feeling superior to others is unintelligent. Being cynical and jaded is unintelligent. Advancing yourself and your family at the expense of others is unintelligent. Indoctrinating children is unintelligent. Believing in things you don’t really know is unintelligent. Acting like you know more than you do is unintelligent. Violating the sovereignty of other minds is unintelligent. Cheating is unintelligent. Gambling is unintelligent. Theft is unintelligent. Crime in unintelligent. War is unintelligent. Fighting is unintelligent. Attachment to people and things is unintelligent. Gossip and badmouthing people is unintelligent. Beating yourself up is unintelligent. Being edgy is unintelligent. Wishing suffering on others is unintelligent.
Anything that obstructs the holistic flow of the universe is unintelligent, including impatience and frustration at the obstructions and divisions which presently exist and obstruct the holistic flow of the universe. The highest intelligence must recognize, accept, and love all of the unintelligence it finds within its infinite self. Such an intelligence is God, Good, Love.
Such is the metaphysics of Intelligence.
When you finally understand the structure of Intelligence, knowing how to behave in any given situation becomes 10x easier, clearer, and more powerful. There’s no longer doubt and confusion about what you’re supposed to do because the only thing you’re ever supposed to do in life is be Intelligent.
Just be Intelligent. That’s it.
If you fully grasped this, you would unlock a new tier of development.
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