The Danger Of Stupidity

By Leo Gura - March 12, 2025

Stupidity is a beautiful concept:

I’ve spent my whole life studying collective stupidity and how to personally avoid it, even though I didn’t know it had this name.

We are now in a once-in-a-lifetime moment of stupidity.

A hallmark of stupidity is thinking that you can get away with corruption scot-free just because everyone else is in on it with you. That’s when the bus goes off the cliff.

And of course the stupid people think that everything is peachy.

The Trump administration will be the most corrupt in American history. This is absolutely certain. What’s uncertain is how bad the damage will be. It will be somewhere between medium damage to a bloodbath. I’m going back and forth in my mind about which end of that range it will be. Very hard to say. And frankly it’s too depressing to contemplate the worst case scenarios.

Democracy in the hands of the stupid is a recipe for evil. Which is why the ancient Greek philosophers had a low opinion of democracy. The only way democracy can generate good is if the people are well-educated:

“A primary object should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country?”

— George Washington

As I write this, the Trump administration has fired 50% of the employees of the Department of Education.

Remember, when the Devil takes charge, the first thing he does is corrupt the highest sources of truth, which is education and spirituality. And of course he corrupts any regulatory bodies that might check his abuse of power and that of his rich and corrupt minions. Then the reign of evil can truly begin.

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