The Art Of The Devil

By Leo Gura - July 14, 2024

I already told you that Trump is a Devil. Now, after this assassination incident, watch carefully, because this is where the Devil’s artistry will shine.

Now the Devil and his religious Christian minions will attempt to frame the Devil as an angel, spared by God for a holy purpose. It’s like if the Devil trips and stubs his toe while in the process of committing his crimes and starts to cry about how he was wronged, how noble his purpose was despite this cruel injustice. Please! Spare us the shit.

All of this is pathetic and comically predictable. Watch it play out and watch millions of people get fooled by it.

When the assassination on Hitler failed, he framed it as God saving him to pursue his holy mission of eradicating the Jews. And so Hitler doubled down in his zeal. I expect something similar to happen here.

Do not get me wrong. Assassination itself is the act of a devil and has no place in a healthy democracy. Even though Trump is a Devil, assassinating him is not right. We are not fascists so we do not condone such means. If you use the ways of a devil to stop a devil, the devil wins because he has successfully multiplied himself into your mind. Corruption is not defeated with corruption. It is clear that assassination is a form of corruption. As conscious beings we stand against corruption, regardless of by whom, by which side.

Two things here are simultaneously true: 1) Trump is a dangerous shameless authoritarian Devil, and 2) Assassination and political violence is wrong. There is no contradiction. Do not let anyone gaslight you into feeling bad for calling Trump out as the Devil he clearly is. Seeing devilry does not mean condoning violence. Nor does it imply taking joy in watching the Devil suffer from his own karma. I take no joy in this situation. It is tragic and embarrassing for the human race.

Also, do not get me wrong when I call Trump a Devil. This is an advanced spiritual metaphor, not a mindless demonization. It’s ironic that when I call him the Devil I am not demonizing him, as say, Stage Blue Christians demonize their enemies. I use the notion of Devil in a sophisticated, clever, poetic, allegorical sense. I do so consciously because it is so fitting for a character like Trump, because it has huge explanatory and predictive power, and because it presents an opportunity for a profound spiritual teaching. I do not call Trump a Devil out of personal hate, nor do I want you to hate Trump or wish him or his followers harm.

Do not be fooled by all this assassination noise. Remember, the Devil is a chaos agent — he creates chaos around him because it serves his ends. Look past the noise to see that the violence done to Trump has not changed anything fundamental about this race. The situation is still exactly the same: Trump is a dangerous, corrupt, criminal authoritarian who will do grave damage to democracy and the American people if he is reelected. Do not let anyone distract you from this only relevant point. But now Trump is even more dangerous because he’s out for revenge with no holds barred and the religious fools who support him will be whipped up into a lather, spinning delusional religious bullshit to justify their corruption, manipulations, and thirst for power. They will be more shameless than ever.

All of this is a prime lesson in the workings of devilry. I’m just pointing it out, although it should be obvious to anyone with an ounce of consciousness.

Warning: There will be much fatalism going round now about how Trump’s re-election is inevitable, that his victory is guaranteed, that it’s all over, how heroic he looks, etc. Do not capitulate so easily to fools and authoritarians. Nothing is inevitable. Nothing is over. Trump is as wrong and as corrupt as he has ever been. This assassination changes nothing. It is more important than ever to call out MAGA devilry, fascism, and corruption. A wounded devil is still a devil. A wound does not make a devil an angel. Shooting Hitler in the ear should not make him any more sympathetic.

With all that said, do not resort to violence or even the glorification of violence. Do not stoop to the level of fascists, or you will become no better than them. Dealing with the Devil is a tricky and counter-intuitive game, so stay conscious. Using the Devil’s own means against him can easily backfire and feed his power while eroding your own.

Do not take joy in the Devil’s suffering. Do not feel sorry for the Devil. Understand that the Devil’s suffering is self-inflicted, his karma. The reason decent people oppose authoritarians like Trump and their corruption is because corruption breeds injustice, and injustice breeds violence. And once the violence starts, everyone is a target. In the end, everyone lives to regret the violence, even those who thought they had the upper hand. Do not feel fooled by his crocodile tears, Trump loves violence, but now it has boomeranged on him. The Devil is only crying his crocodile tears so that you let down your guard long enough for him to bite you.

The bottom line here could not be more clear and simple: Donald Trump should not be allowed within a 1000 miles of any position of power or public office. If he is, disaster, chaos, corruption, and suffering will follow.

All this chaos is not a mistake, it is the natural result of allowing devils to have power. The chaos is the point. The Devil is a sly artist.

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