Stephen Hicks' Poor Post-Modernism

By Leo Gura - January 27, 2025

Much of the misinformation in right-wing circles around post-modernism can be traced back to a single source: Stephen Hicks’ book Explaining Postmodernism. Jordan Peterson based his views of PM on this book. But this book has poor scholarship and presents a cartoon version of post-modernism.

The following video explains the problems with Stephen Hick’s book, adding much nuance to the cliched strawman of post-modernism commonly presented by right-wingers:

Ideological people, and right-wingers, cannot understand post-modernism because to understand it requires enough openmindedness to set aside your own paradigm. Hicks cannot properly do that because he’s a Randian Objectivist libertarian.

My challenge to you is to be able to see each paradigm on its own terms: pre-modern, modern, post-modern. You should be able to steelman each one and see reality from any of those three lenses without being emotionally or ideologically attached to any of them. Then you will have mastered the situation and gone beyond all three. That’s where the real gold lies.

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