Sovereign Citizen Karma

By Leo Gura - December 23, 2024

I have a guilty pleasure: watching sovereign citizens getting arrested as aggressively as possible.

These “sovereign citizens” have unlocked a whole new tier of self-deception and epistemic pervertry.

As I watch I sometimes wish police still beat people with sticks, to beat the stupid right out of them. People have become so spoiled and entitled about state power. In the old days you’d just be killed or at least tortured for being this dumb. Without suffering people refuse to relinquish their stupid ideas. In this sense, people are getting softer and dumber because their ideas are shielded from direct contact with reality. These days, in a welfare state, you can bullshit yourself and still live in relative comfort. That’s one of the downsides of a progressive welfare state: everyone becomes spoiled and entitled about rights with no appreciation of where those rights come from or what responsibilities they entail. This is the curse of libertarianism.

Ironically, the minds of these so-called sovereign citizens are not sovereign at all but addled with cheap online ideology. Where else would one get such silly ideas of law?

Self-deception is like water, it seeps through any crack. No matter what era, what country, what culture, what race, what gender, what ideology, what platform, what medium, what industry, what level of technology, what level of IQ, what level of schooling and credentialing — self-deception finds a way.

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