Psychedelics Are Dangerous

By Leo Gura - January 30, 2023

As passionate as I am about psychedelics, I need to underscore that psychedelics are dangerous. Not just dangerous, very dangerous. These are not toys. I see that many who follow me are young, immature, ungrounded, underdeveloped, mentally unstable, and could badly harm themselves with psychedelic overuse.

I’ve gone so deep down the psychedelic rabbit-hole that I am more and more aware of their dangers to the general population. There is a good reason why this stuff is banned in many places. Using psychedelics properly is not easy, and even for someone as mature and responsible as myself, I have had some near-lethal encounters. Simply because if you do them hundreds of times, just by raw probabilities, things will go sideways as you lose your grip on reality.

If you are using psychedelics, make sure that you are extra careful:

  • Do not over use them.
  • Do not fool yourself that they will be a shortcut to avoid all the difficult, grinding spiritual and developmental work.
  • Be careful not to use them as a bypass for basic developmental work.
  • Be careful not to destabilize your mind and life too much. Staying grounded is extremely important.
  • Have a strict protocol you follow. Set guidelines for yourself of what you are not allowed to do while on them: no texting, no emailing, no social media, no driving, no handling guns or weapons, no sitting in high places where you could fall or jump off, no walking around in public, no working in the kitchen, no investment or spending decisions, no relationship decisions, etc. Be extra careful that you do not physically injure yourself.
  • Be careful that you do not become suicidal due to their use. If you are starting to lose your sanity or groundedness and are having suicidal thoughts, you need to discontinue use immediately, reground yourself, and possibly seek therapeutic help.
  • Do not toy with unproven combinations and unknown/unproven chemicals.
  • Be careful that you are not spiraling mentally out of control and ruining your basic human life, career, relationships, finances, etc.
  • Be careful that you do not follow through on some harebrained idea to “unite with God” by killing yourself.
  • Be careful that you don’t get lost in a maze of your own mind, spinning elaborate fantasies, delusions, and projections.
  • Be careful that you don’t use psychedelics to build up an elaborate new spiritual ego. Watch out for arrogance and delusions of grandeur. Yes you are God but don’t let that go to your head.
  • Take care for your health: maintain good nutrition, exercise, go to the doctor for regular check-ups, etc. Pay attention to whether psychedelic use is having a negative impact on your physical health. If it is, discontinue use.
  • Do not let psychedelics take you off track with your education, life purpose, career, business, family obligations, etc.
  • Give yourself plenty of time and space for fully integrating each trip before you jump into the next.
  • Make sure you have some manual spiritual practice besides psychedelics.
  • Make sure you are not developing a psychological addiction to psychedelics.

If you use them a lot and go deep with them, psychedelics truly are dangerous for most people. So please be careful and mature about how you approach them. Do not fool yourself by thinking that you are above such things. People will definitely end upĀ  hurting themselves as psychedelic use becomes more normalized, so take this issue seriously. Do not be that guy who ruins psychedelics for the rest of us. Treat them with the care and respect they deserve. And if you are younger than 21, I recommend you hold off on using them because you are just not mature enough yet to use them responsibility and you could easily destroy your life.

Healthy & mature psychedelic use requires a solid foundation of personal development work. So build that! Do not fool yourself that you can bypass that for some quick gains. Psychedelics are not to be thought of as a shortcut.

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