Please Let Me Rob You, I'm Woke
By Leo Gura - January 19, 2020
Sorry for the repeated Anand talks, but I’m just addicted listening to him speak on neoliberalism. He’s so good at articulating the current stage Orange/Green transition that the developed world is going through:
This is a discussion about the end of Stage Orange. Picture a numb rat gnawing its own tail to the bone until one day it suddenly realizes: “Oh! That’s my tail I’ve been gnawing on!” That is how stage Orange transitions into stage Green.
But really what Anand talks about is only the tip of the iceberg.
The role of good public intellectuals is to question and deconstruct the myths of prior generations to create a new upgraded culture that shapes how people think about things to enable the next level of society.
An outdated culture leads to people thinking and acting in foolish and self-destructive ways en masse because most people simply follow whatever culture they are programmed with in their youth. Average people need visionary yet down-to-Earth intellectuals to shows them new ways to think about the world. Yes, even CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, politicians, and big name scientists need visionary intellectuals to show them how to think. Being successful or well-respected does not make you a good thinker. Often just the opposite because the culture most-rewards those who reinforce the status quo, not those who challenge it. The thing is, a Fortune 500 CEO is not thinking deeply about how to think deeply. He’s just acting out old thinking routines that got him to where he is, but won’t get him higher.
What isn’t well understood is that the next level of society doesn’t just come automatically through better technology. There needs to be new intellectual architecture put in place because the old intellectual architecture can only take us so far. More technology without an upgraded intellectual architecture is like giving chainsaws to children.
Right now we are living in an era where the old intellectual architecture is starting to strain and buckle under its own weight.
The role of is to build and popularize new intellectual architecture. These teachings are not just here to help you personally master your life but to create new ways of thinking that will enable the next 100-500 years of societal evolution. Which is why I use a lot of political examples nowadays in my teachings. I’m trying to show you that personal development and social development are deeply interconnected so that once you do self-actualize, you will link your self-actualization, awakening, and success to the uplifting of mankind. So your growth, your awakening, your life purpose, and your career/biz will all be integrated. This is going to be more and more necessary in the future. The days of going to a dead-end job and punching the clock are coming to an end. Factory jobs are coming to an end. The jobs of the future will require passion, self-determination, creativity, and consciousness. What do we do when robots take all our menial jobs? We train and develop ourselves to be powerful creatives, artists, visionaries, leaders, and lovers. We develop those things which robots don’t have (at least yet): creativity, vision, artistry, intuition, wisdom, consciousness, empathy, humanity, spirit, love. But this cannot happen on auto-pilot. This requires that everyone consciously participate in crafting their life from any early age. And this requires that people be shown how to do this. Someone needs to take them by the hand and lead them through the process. And even beyond that, society needs to build new infrastructure that makes this process easy, natural, and normal — so your peers aren’t looking at you like some freak for doing this. Right now these systems haven’t been built yet, which is why it’s so difficult. Most humans are only used to doing things which mankind has already well-pioneered. Something like going to school is only easy these days because social systems were pioneered for several thousand years. If you had to do school on your own, without social support, less than 1% of people would do it. It would be 100x harder.
The most important thing we need to train our children is how to connect their passion for life with life-long self-education, a career grounded in on a sense of life purpose, personal development, spiritual development, and then also social development. Without these kinds of citizens society is ineffective and dysfunctional as the majority of people are not passionate about their personal lives and therefore disengaged from being of service to others.
Imagine a society in which a majority of citizens are passionate about their careers and their careers are about being of genuine service to others, not just mindless profiteering or widget-making. That is the future, but it will be a rocky transition to get there. Design your life to fit into this mold of the future.
Those billionaires and Fortune 500 CEOs might seem like they are living a life of purpose, but they are not. They are living an unconscious life of chasing success and status, which is not the same as life purpose. Life purpose is how you would do conscious work if success, money, and status were irrelevant.
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