Nazi Capitalism

By Leo Gura - July 22, 2024

What was the economic system in Nazi Germany? What were Hitler’s views on the ideal economic system? I encourage you to research and contemplate these questions.

Conservatives would like you to believe it was socialism. Of course that’s not what the historical record shows:

In recent weeks it has come to light just how much Silicon Valley tech bros and oligarchs are lining up behind Trump. People like Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Marc Andreesen, Mark Zuckerberg, David Sacks, and many others of their ilk. At first this may seem odd because isn’t Silicon Valley supposed to be liberal and progressive? In some sense they are. They are culturally liberal. However, the one thing all these guys have in common is that they are megalomaniacal oligarchs. What they want above all else is POWER. They don’t fundamentally believe in democracy (one person one vote). They believe that their opinion should matter more than everyone else’s. So just like in Nazi Germany, the capitalists, industrialists, and tech oligarch’s moral principles are secondary to power and profits. The industrialists in Nazi Germany supported Hitler because Hitler was good for business — at least for a while. Hitler enabled them to extract wealth from and rule over the workforce.

Understand how society is actually structured: No dictator or ruler in any nation holds power alone. There is no such thing as one-man rule. Power is always accumulated through a network of elites who all scratch each others backs, working against the majority of the people to extract wealth. A small group of wealthy, egotistical, shameless, ruthless, anti-democratic, corrupt, sociopathic, megalomaniacs form an alliance of convenience with a ruler or autocrat. They strike a business deal. The deal is this: the oligarchs get favorable conditions to keep exploiting the masses, while the autocrat gets the power to curb-stomp any democratic reforms which would redistribute power and wealth more evenly across society. Government is thus made into a wealth-extraction vehicle. The purpose of the government is not to serve the majority but to serve a tiny exclusive minority by leeching the majority dry.

This is how it works in Russia, in North Korea, in China, in Saudi Arabia, and of course in America. America is not above this! American oligarchs are fundamentally no different than Russian or Chinese oligarchs. The underlying psychology is the same: extract power and wealth by any means possible. The biggest difference with American oligarchs is that they have deluded themselves into thinking they are the good guys, that they are evolved and decent. Of course tech oligarchs side with Trump, because a truly progressive President would break up all their monopolies and regulate their theft of data. American oligarchs have invented a customized ideology which convinces them that they are not oligarchs, that they are not corrupt, that they are liberal and not fascist. But the reality is that they are anti-democratic monopolists who will support fascism as soon as it is convenient. Because their business is their top value.

If Big Tech doesn’t get behind Trump, and Trump wins, he will deliberately use government to damage their businesses. They know this, so they start to kiss Trump’s ass. This is nothing new. They also know that Trump has no moral principles and he doesn’t care about doing what’s right for democracy — such as serious anti-trust regulation — so if they kiss his ass he will grant them favors and deregulate them, which means they can exploit the masses like never before.

Capitalism, fascism, and oligarchy go hand in hand. Large corporations and billionaires don’t care about democracy, or equality, or fairness, or truth, or consciousness — they care about getting more power for themselves. But, like what happened in Nazi Germany, in so doing they end up killing the goose that lays the golden eggs — the foundation which allows for business at all: which is rule of law, fair markets, and general stability. American capitalism is eating itself alive, as it did in Nazi Germany. These American capitalists have convinced themselves that the solution to America’s problem is more capitalism, more power for them to solve the problems. How perfectly convenient. “Just give me and my friends more power and money and we will solve all of Americans problems. We promise.” That’s what these egomaniacs have convinced themselves of, and they have no one around to tell them otherwise because everyone in their social circle benefits from and echos back to them their corrupt perspective. These people are so corrupt they don’t even understand they are corrupt. Their corruption is like a black hole that consumes everything out to an infinite horizon. And it’s painted over with a veneer of liberalism, progressivism, and high technology like robots, AI, fancy electric cars, rockets, mobile apps, and free 2-day shipping.

But there’s a plot twist: These oligarchs aren’t just bribing the politicians, they are are also bribing you, the customers! The unconscious deal they made with you is: they will supply you with cheap or free goods and services to help your survival in the short-term, and you will shut up and not question the corruption and erosion of democracy, truth, and consciousness. Instead of serious consciousness or understanding, you will sit there and click your phone for hours like a fucking monkey. Or you will get distracted investing in their tech stocks, hoping to make a quick buck.

What really runs societies is an insatiable thirst for power and domination, a thirst by a minority to get rich off the backs of the majority. It has always been this way, and it is still this way today. But today’s American oligarchs are foolish enough to believe their own virtue signaling and innocence. The extent to which a nation is able to prevent this exploitation (and it occurs in many degrees), is the extent to which a nation is great. Almost nobody understands this or how to prevent it, and this is why politics is so tricky. People don’t even understand what the goal of political action ought to be and why.

In conclusion, the Devil is a businessman and you are his mindless bitch.


Note: Of course, don’t make the mistake of thinking that this oligarch capitalism problem only exists on the right. It also exists on the left. The desire for power and wealth corrupts every mind, regardless of your ideology. Corruption is a force that transcends all belief systems, all moral systems, all political systems, all economic systems, all classes, all virtue signaling, all good intentions, all spiritual and religious inclinations, all stages of development. Corruption, like gravity, is universal.

Note: Socialism does not solve the problems I am talking about. You can’t solve the problem of corruption by switching to socialism, because all your socialist leaders will also be corrupt! If the solution was that easy, I wouldn’t be talking about it, it would have been solved 100 years ago.

Note: Don’t forget, you cannot demonize businessmen because business is how you survive. If you’re not a businessperson yourself then your certainly work for one. Or you conduct business with one. So you’re not above this problem. You are swimming up to your neck in human shit, and you produced some of that shit yourself. This is our situation.

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