
By Leo Gura - December 17, 2018


Monism is simply the idea that “strictly speaking, there exists only a single thing, the Universe, which can only be artificially and arbitrarily divided into many things” and that “only one kind of stuff exists, although many things may be made up of this stuff.”

This “stuff” is consciousness, or “mind”, out of which EVERYTHING is made. So… An atom is consciousness; a tree is consciousness; a car is consciousness; a rock is consciousness; the sun is consciousness; a mathematics equation is consciousness; a political party is consciousness; the Big Bang is consciousness; your skull is consciousness; the pixels on this screen are consciousness; and so on until every last object in the universe is accounted for. Reality is one unified field of consciousness which subdivides itself in infinite variations.

This is a very elegant and powerful explanation of reality. It also happens to be Absolutely True. It is so true that its truth is prior to any religion, philosophical system, scientific theory, or physical law. It is more true than 1 = 1.

I recommend you thoroughly read this Wikipedia entry on Monism. It’s a great encapsulation of metaphysics, religion, and God across history. Monism is just another word for nonduality, and every culture around the world has a storied history of it because it turns out to be the ultimate truth. The only problem is that ultimate truth turns out to be a tricky thing for the mind to grasp, leading to much confusion and controversy.

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