Lessons In Pickup

By Leo Gura - June 24, 2024

If you’re trying to learn how to talk to girls, here’s a good lesson of how to do it:

Things to notice:

  • Notice how calm, relaxed, and casual he is. He’s not anxious, he’s not flashy, he’s not trying to impress them. He’s not acting like a drunk frat-boy or dancing monkey.
  • Notice how slowly he talks. He’s not in any rush to say words. He leaves plenty of room for silence and eye contact. He talks slower than normal, not faster than normal.
  • Notice how he leads the whole thing with eye contact. This is key. Deep eye contact is more important than what you say.
  • Notice how his opener (“American?”) is so simple and observational. He starts off by making an assumption about her. That’s one of the best ways to open. Make an interesting assumption or observation. You can do this with any girl. You don’t need any fancy or clever opener.
  • Notice how natural the whole interaction feels. He’s not being “gamey”. He’s not trying to “game” the girls with stupid lines or jokes or gimmicks.
  • Notice how he assumes they are already friends. He doesn’t talk to them like cold strangers, he talks to them like old friends.
  • Notice how ScarJo looks at him. That look from a girl is all you need to know to know she’s attracted to you. You don’t need to wonder if a girl likes you or is willing to sleep with you. Just look at her face and her eyes. If she can’t stop looking in your eyes, if she’s smiling, she’s interested in sleeping with you as long as you don’t do anything creepy to turn her off.
  • Notice how bold and direct he is. He just invites them to travel with him. He doesn’t waste time beating around the bush playing stupid games. It’s obvious to everyone that this is a sexually charged interaction. There’s no possibility of the friend-zone here. His intent is clear. He isn’t ashamed of himself or his sexual intentions. He doesn’t try to hide it from the girls. He is authentic and real. He owns his manhood.
  • Notice that he’s not being scripted or premeditated. He’s not stuck in his head trying to recall some line he memorized at home. He’s responding in-real-time to the situation. He’s improvising and adapting on the fly. He is not worried at all about what he’s going to say next, because he’s present, relaxed, secure, and comfortable in this own skin.
  • Notice that he’s leading the interaction towards an insta-date. He’s not talking purposelessly. He’s not trying to settle for a phone number and maybe a date in 2 weeks. He’s closing the deal right now! He’s offering an instant adventure, right now! Let’s go run away together right now! Today, tonight, right now! Let’s go! Fun! Adventure!
  • Notice that he’s leading and offering value. He didn’t break into their conversation like a weasel looking to leech attention and fun from them. He came in offering value. Offering free travel. Offering food and wine. Offering art. Offering to show them around a city they’ve never been. He’s leading. Like a man should.
  • Notice that he demonstrates his passions, values, and personality. He isn’t talking about the weather, he’s inviting them to see a sculpture — art — that he’s passionate about. This communicates that he values art, beauty, travel, good food, good wine, living in the moment, free love. He demonstrates and offers value by saying he can pilot a plane.
  • Notice that he doesn’t ask them stupid formal questions like, “So, what do you do? What’s your favorite color?” Because that would be totally out of place and unnatural in this situation.
  • Notice that he’s persuasive. He answers all her token objections and excuses. He makes an enticing offer.
  • Notice how he handles her friend’s shit-tests. She resists and tries to shame him, but he just plows forward with honesty and boldness without getting flustered or doubting himself. He makes her look like the fool for over-analyzing his authenticity.
  • Notice, he is present enough to remember their names and addresses them using their names.
  • He doesn’t linger endlessly, he doesn’t overstay his welcome. He presents the offer and then walks away. This demonstrates that he is not needy and he is not trying to “get in on” their social time.
  • Notice how he comes across as grounded, rational, and reasonable, even though he’s proposing something rather wild and adventurous. He comes off as sane, trustworthy, experienced, and responsible.
  • Notice that he does all this in a tasteful manner. Even though he implies sex, he doesn’t make the girls feel slutty or cheap for accepting his offer. He’s not being a horn-dog.
  • Notice how gentle he is. You can barely hear his words, but he delivers with confidently. Being masculine does not mean that you are loud, flashy, aggressive, or arrogant. Notice his lack of posturing. He’s not trying to be alpha. He’s not puffing himself up.
  • Notice that he is not attached to the outcome of this interaction. If they reject him or refuse his offer, he’s  not going to beat himself up or take it personally. He’s not going to wonder to himself, “Oh man, they didn’t like me. They didn’t think I was good enough.” It’s gonna be like water off a duck’s back. He’s just gonna carry on with his day as if nothing happened. He’s not even going to register this interaction as a rejection.

This video demonstrates the perfect, mature pickup. It’s not some gimmicky pickup artist cringe. It’s the kind of approach that would work on any single woman.

Of course he’s good-looking so that makes it all much easier. But the principles of game are the same regardless of how you look. And you never know which girl will find your looks acceptable. Plenty of girls will find your looks acceptable as long as you do a solid approach. Also, plenty of girls are bored and horny and looking for an adventure, but they will not go out of their way to ask you, you must be bold enough to present it her in an enticing and tasteful manner. And you must also make her feel safe with you by not coming off as an unhinged, socially-miscalibrated creep.

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