Jordan Peterson Climate Denial

By Leo Gura - August 7, 2024

JP is engaged in some heavy denial of climate change. He’s so convincing at it that when I listen to him enough in good faith, he almost has me convinced. It’s really quite something.

It is useful to study Jordan Peterson’s mind for examples of self-deception mechanisms. If you watch enough of his videos you can spot self-deception mechanism after self-deception mechanism being employed without his awareness of them.

What are some of those mechanisms?

  • Projection
  • Bias
  • Lack of construct-awareness
  • Survival
  • Mental attachment
  • Rationalization
  • Demonization
  • Denial
  • Cherrypicking
  • Whataboutism
  • Misuse of skepticism
  • Selective application of relativity and post-modernism
  • Gross double-standards
  • Dodging questions and key issues
  • Strawmanning, misrepresenting alternative perspectives
  • Moralistic crusading, moralistic self-righteousness
  • Speaking on topics outside his area of expertise
  • Obfuscation and conflation

Here’s some killer advice for you: look for highly intelligent speakers and minds (like Jordan Peterson) and study their talks for self-deception mechanisms, and then contemplate how you will avoid that yourself in your own exercise of rationality and sense-making.

There is nothing more dangerous than human reason.

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