How Christians Demonize Wokeness
By Leo Gura - March 15, 2025
You should be aware that not only do Christians oppose wokeness (stage Green), they equate it with Satanism and Lucifer. This sounds absurd when I say it, but this is literally how serious Christians understand the world:
This is one of the many delusions of Christianity. You see… one does not merely become a Christian to believe in God, or even experience God. This ideology is a cancer that infects one’s mind, warping one’s epistemology and ontology, shaping how you interpret and make sense of the whole world. Under such a worldview the mind is not even able to make sense of things like trans rights, gay rights, feminism, Stage Green, post-modernism, spiritual pluralism, the New Age, psychedelics, politics, democracy, climate change, racism, terrorism, Israel/Palestine, and more. Being Christian goes way beyond merely a belief in God. If it just stopped there, it would not be a problem. But it never stops there because it is an ideology with a mind of its own, which seeks to monopolize, dominate, control, demonize, exclude, self-aggrandize, and reproduce. Christianity is not just a set of spiritual practices, it is a powerful political force which seeks to dominate the world.
In the end, the reason Christianity is a lower perspective is because it is too self-absorbed, too demonizing to make sense of total reality. Fundamentally, Christianity is not intelligent enough to be all-Loving. Because to be all-Loving requires total understanding of all perspectives. The level of intelligence required to realize God’s Love cannot be attained through any kind of ideology. Period. Which is why, in practice, Christians have always been unloving, intolerant, racist, bigoted, and violent people. I don’t need to demonize them, their record speaks for itself.
Do not be fooled by such Christians. They love to act kind, polite, friendly, and humble, but at the end of the day they believe that anything that goes against Christianity — everything that contradicts their biases — is demonic. And their solution to the demonic is — quite naturally — extermination. Don’t underestimate how literally they take this. This isn’t just mythology to them. They believe they are on this Earth to fight an existential battle between good and evil — evil being anything that contradicts Christianity. As a real-world example, many American Evangelicals, who are in power now thanks to Trump, view the Palestinians as Satan’s children. Can you guess what their solution is for handling Satan’s children?
Christians do not just view Stage Green as bad, they view it as ontologically demonic. That’s the key insight! Only when you understand this insight do you understand how dangerous these people are underneath their friendly and cuddly facade. These people do not think for themselves, their minds have been hijacked by an ideology that seeks power. Christianity is the corruption of God.
The proof of it is, they elected Trump — the anti-Christ — and yet they sit there and still complain about how wokeness is Satanic. They can’t even see that they put Satan in the White House.
The way Satan gets you is through the gaps in your epistemology. Which is why makes epistemology and truth as our top priority.
Note: Be careful not to over-generalize Christians. There exist some spiritually advanced Christians. Some Christian teachings are valuable. Please be nuanced.
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