Honey Coupon Theft

By Leo Gura - December 29, 2024

A prime example of how theft works:

You should also note how corrupt the most popular social media influencers and podcasters are. They seem charismatic and nice, but underneath all that are corrupt. They corrupt the economy and they corrupt the epistemic ecosystem for profit without even realizing it. That’s why they make the big bucks. Those big bucks don’t come out of thin air, they are often generated through some kind of corrupt gimmick, whether it’s selling vitamins or pitching crap coins, fraudulent services, or toxic ideology.

Notice how much of wealth and fame is based on outright fraud. Not all of it, but a disturbing amount. It’s just well hidden and whitewashed. Many brands and services are using charismatic and likable social media influencers to launder their dirty business models, and many influencers are too immature or ignorant to care. In this way the entire influencer ecosystem is corrupted. Social media influencers are corrupted by: 1) algorithmic capture, 2) audience capture, 3) dirty advertisers and sponsors, 4) political ideology.

Please make everyone aware that the Honey plugin is a fraud.

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