Grasping Consciousness - Faces Exercise

By Leo Gura - March 18, 2025

You can use this gif as an exercise to grasp the nature of Consciousness.

Stare at this gif as you try to notice that you are looking at a field of Consciousness. This gif helps you to see, to recognize, that reality is a fluid field of Consciousness, not a material physical system. Ignore your mind telling you that you’re looking at mechanical pixels on a screen. No! No you’re not! That’s materialist crap. You’re looking at a fluid field of Consciousness. Consciousness is not made out of pixels, pixels are made out of Consciousness. Try to notice that solid, mechanical reality is just a special case of, a limited condition of, fluid Consciousness. You need to start to think of, and to see, reality as a fluid, not a solid.

Try staring and just meditating on this gif for a long time. Zone in on it, so to speak.


This gif also helps you to see and understand why Consciousness is no-self and why I speak about humans being an illusion. The gif gives you an experiential taste of how humans are just figments of Consciousness. Consciousness is so powerful than it can just dream up a fully grown human out of thin air and then morph between any one of them. It just doesn’t usually do this because if it did you would go insane.

Consciousness can seamlessly morph between any two physical objects. It can blend between them. That’s what makes Consciousness different from a material system.

This gif also helps you understand and see Oneness. Hippies love to say, “We are all one”. This sounds trite and naive. But is literally true. Try to notice in this gif how all the human faces are literally one because Consciousness is the field that imagines them all. The field of Consciousness imagining all things is One.

Of course this exercise would be even more powerful on a psychedelic.

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