Global Slavery Index
By Leo Gura - January 20, 2025
Here’s another fairly objective measure of development and lower vs higher perspective: the Global Slavery Index.
It is objectively the case that lower views/minds and lower development results in more slavery. Contemplate why.
So this Dugin-esque post-modern notion that every nation, every civilization, has its unique truth and they are all equally valid, is false. Western values and nations are generally higher and better than non-Western ones because they result in less enslaved peoples. And slavery is not a value that even Dugin would tolerate when it is applied evenly across the board without excluding himself and his friends.
Slavery is not equal in value to non-slavery because no one like to be slave. And slavery is ultimately harmful not just to the slave but also the slavemaster, since it is not sustainable.
Places like Russia, China, India, North Korea, and Afghanistan have more slavery than the West. This is a function of development level. So to say that the West is more developed is not an ethnocentric white-man bias — it’s deeper than that. However, it is a mistake to leap to the conclusion that those less developed nations cannot develop to match the West, or that they are genetically inferior racially, or that high levels of development can only be achieved via Judeo-Christian yankee white-man culture.
So there is a trap on the left and right here. The trap on the left is excessive relativism and West-bashing, the trap on the right is essentialist racism, ethnocentrism, and exceptionalism.
Credit: Forum user @PurpleTree
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