Fox News $2.7 Billion Smartmatic Lawsuit
By Leo Gura - January 14, 2025
In my latest video I said how the problem with Fox News was the $780 million dollar defamation settlement with Dominion for knowingly spreading election lies. Well, that’s only half the story. In 2025 we will see the second shoe drop with another $2.7 billion lawsuit with Smartmatic for the same election lies.
Appeals Court Rules Fox Must Face Smartmatic Defamation Lawsuit
So, you see, it’s not all subjective. Whatever you think of CNN or MSNBC, hate them if you must, but at least have the honestly to acknowledge that they do not have to pay $3 billion dollars for defamation and lies. Not all perspectives are equal. Not all mainstream news has the same epistemic rot.
$3 billion is a nice number to quantify epistemic error. That’s why I mention it. Rarely do we see epistemic error so explicitly enumerated. That the Fox News audience doesn’t even recognize this as a problem in itself reveals that they are operating from a lower perspective, because a higher perspective would have epistemic standards and find this sort of thing unacceptable. You should care about the epistemic standards of the news sources you rely on to build your worldview.
And this not about conservative vs liberal. You can have a conservative perspective without the epistemic rot, but that is quite rare these days.
Remember, there are many degrees of epistemic rot. A higher perspective makes fine distinctions between degrees of epistemic rot and treats these degrees as important, whereas the lower sees it all as equal and of no importance. Just to be able to accurately recognize levels of epistemic rot requires a well-developed and impartial mind — something most humans have yet to reach.
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