Every Ideology Splinters

By Leo Gura - January 19, 2025

An iron law of epistemology is that every ideology, every worldview splinters. Have you noticed this yet? Contemplate why.

Doesn’t matter if it’s Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, yoga, atheism, science, theoretical physics, 4chan, conservatives, liberals, socialists, libertarians, cults, New Agers, nondualists. If it’s an ideology, it will eventually splinter. Why? Because all ideology is a human construction based on biases of the mind for the purpose of survival. It is not absolute truth. And so it will splinter as soon as the survival environment shifts. The environment is always evolving and shifting, technology is always evolving, so every ideology must adapt to stay alive. But the adherents of these ideologies are blind to this meta dynamic.

See, if Christianity was really true, there wouldn’t be 20 sects of it, all claiming to be the truth. If theoretical physics was really true, there wouldn’t be 5 different kinds of physicists all arguing with each other. The notion that there even exists such a thing as “Christianity” or “science” or “theoretical physics” or “socialism” or “atheism” or “post-modernism” is a fantasy. These things don’t really exists, what exists is a chaotic hodge-podge of human constructions, temporary ideological camps, all contradicting and fighting with each other, all trying to monopolize the epistemic landscape to satisfy their own selfish survival needs at the expense of everyone else. These ideologies need to invent the myth that they are monolithic and non-evolving, because just seeing their scattershot, ad-hoc, arbitrary, and ever-morphing nature reveals them to be fictitious survival constructs.

Every yoga school eventually splits in two. Every religion. Every philosophy. Every mystical and occult school. Every branch of science. Every political party. Why? Because some human constructed it to serve his survival needs, and eventually that ego leaves, or dies, and a new one comes along at a different time, under new survival pressures, in a new technological environment with new survival needs. See the meta game that’s being played here?

And one more example of this splintering:

Western Esotericism Family Tree

And even though Actualized.org is not an ideology, it is still a worldview, and it too splinters. For example, people on my forum who disagree with my views and leadership have tried to steal members in secret to create their own rival forum. And I knew that would eventually happen because that’s just an iron law of epistemology. That’s why every systematized worldview has defense mechanisms in place to prevent this splintering.

See, this is why we focus on truth-seeking and sense-making rather than human constructs. Because human constructs are arbitrary, ephemeral, and petty. This is why we don’t take religion or ideology seriously. It’s a distraction from what really matters: pure truth-seeking and sense-making.

This topic also connects with the 5 blind men and the elephant story:


Credit: Sketchplanations

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