Does Ideology Matter?

By Leo Gura - August 10, 2024

This is an usually deep political discussion:

Hint: What really matters is survival. Everything, including ideology, serves the god of survival. Which is why political behavior is often so confused, messy, twisted, and contradictory. The mind uses ideology as a vehicle for its own survival, and there are infinite ways for the mind to survive — which is why there exist hundreds of species of ideology. But the mind doesn’t really care about being a pure-breed, it cares about survival!

Survival. Survival. Survival. Survival! EVERYTHING humans do is SURVIVAL! Especially so within the domain of politics. Politics is survival on steroids. Which is why it is so devoid of truth and consciousness.

The core problem every ideology faces is that no ideology can ever capture reality accurately. Not even close. Even the best ideologies grossly misapprehend reality, so their implementation always requires a lot of fudging, and the maintenance of an ideology always requires lots of bullshit to make it seems like it’s going to work. The problem with ideology is that no ideology can solve mankind’s deepest issues. Every ideology thinks it can, but ends up failing spectacularly. Notice that.

In the end every ideology fails because it lacks Requites Variety. Which is why an intelligence mind should free itself of all ideology.

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