Death Cult Double-Standards

By Leo Gura - July 29, 2024

First, watch this clip of Musk and Rogan talking about how the left is a “death cult” because Musk found one radical leftist in the New York Times who said that mankind is a cancer upon the planet:

So because of this Musk (and Rogan’s fanbase) support Trump and the right.

But the right’s base are Christian Nationalists. They worked for Trump and wrote a 900 page manifesto for Trump’s next term. Now observe that these Christian Nationalists literally pray for the End Times:

You see? This is the bullshit that the human mind spins up when it comes to rationalizing its own political biases and positions. This is what I mean when I warn about Double-Standards, Self-Bias, and Self-Deception.

By any objective measure, the American MAGA right is a Christian death cult. They write national policy based on this. They nominate Federal judges based on this. Yet Musk eagerly funds and supports them on the grounds that leftists are the death cult. This is the level of absurdity that our politics has produced.

It is galling when right-wingers and Trump supporters dare to claim that the Trump administration is anti-war and pro peace. These people pray for Armageddon. These people believe that Muslims are demons. These are the people staffing Trump’s next administration. Don’t ever speak to me about “anti-war” MAGA. Such people are incapable of being anti-war.

And at the same time, leftists whine about how bad Biden is on Gaza. Meanwhile Trumpists literally believe that Gaza is run by demons and Satan. How do you think Christian Nationalists will handle Gaza?

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