China Bullshit

By Leo Gura - August 9, 2024

Watch the following discussion with an ambassador from China. It is an absolute masterclass in the human’s ability for bullshit. The discipline and skill with which he bullshits is just awesome:

With that said, a deeper issue is still being missed by everyone watching.

The reality is that China cannot have free speech, liberalism, or democracy because it is not at a stage of development that allows such freedoms and luxuries. The problem is that a leftist like Mehdi Hasan does not understand this. Leftists and liberals take freedom for granted. When in fact such freedom can only exist under suitable collective survival conditions and centuries of development. China does not have free speech because it cannot have free speech. This is not a mistake. This is their reality. And to not understand and appreciate that is ignorant.

The reason humans bullshit with such skill is because God holds a gun to their head.

Here’s what this Chinese ambassador should have said to Medhi and the audience:

“Let us be serious and stop playing games. You in the Western liberal democracies look at China and criticize us for our lack of freedom and strict policies. You are shocked that we are not as free as you. But we are not as free as you because we cannot be as free as you given our stage of development, given our history. Every country must go through stages of development at its own pace, just as every child must go through school at his own pace. Some move faster, some move slower. Do not be so short-sighted to forget your own country’s rocky and bloody histories and illiberal repressions. You are liberal now, but only relatively so, and you were not always this way. Liberalism is a luxury that the Chinese people cannot yet afford, but we have made much progress over the last 70 years. One day we will be as free as you, but that will take time, and I hope you will be as patient with us as you were with yourselves. This is the truth which you do not wish to admit to yourselves and this is why you are perplexed by the situation in China. China is doing what we must do to one day have the freedoms which your forefathers gifted to you with their blood. Everything of value has its cost. What you see in China is us paying the cost to one day have your freedoms.”

Mike drop.

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