Child Prodigies & Geniuses

By Leo Gura - June 11, 2024

Really watch this, from 13:14-26:29, and contemplate what it means:

How do you compete with this kid? You can’t. You’ve already lost. There’s literally nothing you can do. You have the brain of a chimpanzee next to him.

And all of that is still peanuts compared to Alien Consciousness.

What you need to understand about human abilities is that they are NOT your own! They are God’s gift to you. Whatever you are able to do: walk, talk, socialize, philosophize, emote, work long hours, lift weights, even sleep — NONE of that is your doing, it’s God’s doing. And God could take it away from you as easily as God gave it to you. So whatever talents you have, appreciate them, honor them, cultivate them, exercise them, and thank God for them. Do not take credit for your talents. And do not lord your talents over those who were not as fortunate as you.

All of your abilities are ultimately grounded in genetics. You could not add two numbers together without the right genetics. So appreciate that. Because there are many creatures on this planet who cannot do what you can do. And there are many creatures in this universe who are much smarter than you, in ways you cannot even begin to comprehend.

In the grand scheme of things, the average human creature is a rat in the great spectrum of Consciousness. Which is the only proper explanation of why our society is as dysfunctional as it is. A rat can only do so much. And an enlightened rat is still a rat.

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