But Why Christianity?
By Leo Gura - March 17, 2025
This is a very powerful dialogue. I suggest you study it carefully because there are many deep, advanced, subtle lessons here:
As great as that is, here is my commentary to make sense of the confusion:
(By the way, when I give commentary you should question it. Don’t just assume it’s correct. Form your own conclusions.)
- Their whole topic of dialogue is basically a misguided frame. Why? Because God is not exclusive to any religion, Christianity nor Buddhism. God can be found through any religion or no religion. However, not all findings of God will be to the same depth of understanding and intelligence.
- The more time you invest studying, deciphering, and dialoguing the details of various religions, the further you get from realizing God.
- It’s not that religion is false. It’s just far too indirect and far too human.
- My claim is that you will not find the deepest understanding of God through Christianity nor Buddhism. Why not? Because the deepest realization of God requires Infinite Intelligence, which requires infinite requisite variety of mind. My claim is that God is so fucking intelligent that the only way to fully realize it is by freeing your mind of all human constructs. Christianity and Buddhism are both human constructs which limit the mind of God from realizing itself.
- A human is not looking for God. God is looking for itself. God cannot find itself because the human is in the way. This is not a shallow desire to run away from being human. This an essential metaphysical point which must be understood for serious Awakening.
- The fundamental problem of Buddhism is that it doesn’t emphasis God. It emphasizes reducing God to emptiness and no-self. This is not the same thing as God, although it is God. It is a reduction. Also, Buddhism is a paradigm and a set of dogmas which limit the mind of God.
- The fundamental problem of Christianity is that it wants God to serve human life and survival. Christians crave a personal relationship with God. However, this desire to bring God into practical use for human life is a mistake. It will limit the realization of God because God is not human. To fully realize God requires letting go of humanness, of everything human. Not because the human is bad, or because you wish to escape into Nirvana, but because the human is too biased to be fully God. Even the desire to have a loving relationship with your wife or child is already self-deception because if you realized you were God you would realize that your wife and child are imaginary. Which is exactly what Jordan Hall does not want to realize. So he cannot fully realize God due to his desire for human connection, family, community, meaning, purpose.
- The other problem of Christianity is the idol worship of Jesus, a human, as God. This is the same problem as rats worshiping a rat as God. It isn’t false. A rat is God. However, the desire to worship a rat will obstruct God’s realization of itself.
- I love that Jordan Hall is intelligent enough to realize that nonduality is not the end. Jordan understands that nonduality is a trap. This is correct. Nonduality is not a full realization of God/Love. Something is missing. Jordan gets that. Very good. However, then he falls into the trap of Christianity.
- I want to acknowledge that there is value and importance to Jordan’s concern for deep human embodiment of the infinite. That is a serious challenge and worth lots of careful consideration. Merely realizing God or Love is not at all the same thing as embodiment of it in human relations and community. However, if one’s primary focus is loving relationships, family, and community, that is far too narrow and human-centric of a priority when it comes to understanding God. If you place your community above truth, then you will not get a full understanding of God. That’s the trade-off Jordan is making.
- This entire dialogue is mistaken because it’s holding God as other. The key thing that’s being missed is that God is Self. Any attempt to otherize God as the Buddha, or Christ, or some abstract “The One” is already too far removed from YOU. You are God. This is being missed by all three of them.
- Neither Jordan, John, nor Jonathan know if the Buddha or Jesus were actual real people. This is a problem because they are not epistemically careful enough to see that they are engaging in belief rather than proper not-knowing. This is an important point because this lack of epistemic rigor will ultimately mean they never fully realize God.
- The solipsistic nature of God is being entirely missed and denied by these three. They do not realize that even their desire to have this fancy dialogue is a self-deception that God is playing on itself to keep itself asleep. If you fully realized God, there would be no dialogue. God does not dialogue with itself. God is itself! God has no one to dialogue with and no need to dialogue. Dialogue is an illusion needed to construct a dream.
- The key thing that everyone is missing is that God is profoundly, insanely non-human. Any human biases, needs, life, survival, concepts, religions, beliefs, history, science or story will prevent full realization of God. Just the fact that these guys take human history seriously already shows that they will not realize God. All of human history is a fantasy in the mind of God. It has zero reality. The Buddha and Christ are illusions created by God to keep itself asleep.
- Does God personally love you? This question is already too far removed from God. God doesn’t love you in some stupid human needy sense. You are God. And God is Love. God doesn’t need to love you. YOU ARE LOVE. If Jordan realized this, he would drop his need for a personal relationship or connection to God. You don’t need a connection to God. Because YOU ARE GOD! By trying to have a human connection with God you are actually pushing God away. But of course, since you are God, and this is your dream, you can dream up a personal connection with God. If you want God to kiss your ass every morning, you can dream that up. That’s basically Christian prayer. Does it work? If you’re a Christian, you certainly imagine it works.
- God is not something other than the present moment. So it is fully immanent. This notion that Buddhism takes you away from human life while Christianity does not, is a mistaken frame. God is right here, right now. Christianity is not needed for this.
- Ultimately, the difference between Buddhism and Christianity is irrelevant for full God and Love realization. Don’t worry. I promise you, you’ll get God and Love even better without them. Surrender your attachments to human things. This is the key to fully realizing God. I say this not because human things are bad or wrong, nor because you need to abandon your wife or child, but because you need to break the illusion of humanness. Breaking the illusion of humanness does not mean you drop out of human form or human life. Although you also could.
- The problem with Christianity which is not being recognized by Jordan and Jonathan is that it seeks to monopolize God. It wants to claim that Christianity has some unique and special path to God that is better than others. This is false. Not only is Christianity not the best path, it must be surrendered to fully understand God. However, I am not denying that you can have powerful experiences of God as a Christian, sure you can.
- Christianity is a backwards rationalization of God. Christians will always look for ways to rationalize to themselves why Christianity is necessary and special. Otherwise they would not be Christians. The problem is that Jordan and Jonathan are not conscious that they are doing this.
- I think Jordan and Jonathan are kidding themselves when they say that Christianity does not try to be an ideology or a meta-ideology. They can say that. But in practice Christianity will be that and it will try to dominate and exclude other perspectives. It will ultimately fail at pluralism because it views itself as the superior path and it is highly social and communal. The communal aspects of Christianity must turn into corrupt group-think. There’s just no way around that and I think Jordan and Jonathan do not take this problem seriously enough because they are identified as Christians. They hold a very idealized, romantic, over-optimistic view of Christianity. In practice Christianity will be much uglier.
- With that said, the communal, social aspects of Christianity offer much value to normal human beings who want and even need that social connection. So Christianity is not just about realizing God, it’s much more about being part of a community and getting your socializing needs met. This comes with big pros and cons. The pros are that you can get some beautiful bonding experiences and mutual emotional support. The cons are that you will get lost in group-think and your community will become corrupt and that corruption will spread to all its members. So there’s no easy answer here. These are trade-offs. How much socialization do you require from your spirituality? This depends on your needs and values.
- Don’t worry, when you fully realize God, you will have access to much deeper intelligence with which to see Love. You will be able to use that intelligence to live in a far more profound and loving way. Christianity is not needed for this.
- You don’t need intimacy. You are Love. Human intimacy is nice, but it’s less love than Love. By this I do not mean that you shouldn’t seek out human intimacy. I mean, don’t drag that issue into your pursuit of God. If you want intimacy with God, don’t worry, God-Realization is more intimate than intimate. You will not be left lacking in that department. Just realize that you are God and you will get 1000% intimacy.
- Be extremely careful not to conflate God with human survival needs. Living as part of a Christian community and family — this is all human survival stuff. Do not pollute God with these needs of yours or you will not fully realize God. Handle your social and survival needs separately, as any secular person would.
- God didn’t need to incarnate as Christ. You are God. You are God’s incarnation. Look here and now, not into a fantasy of human history. Human history is a dream.
- The most interesting and profound aspects of God are entirely non-human, not even within the domain of human sanity. These insanely profound and beautiful dimensions are entirely lost on Jordan, John, and Jonathan because their minds are stuck thinking on the human domain. For example, they will never realize Alien Love. Because all they care about is human love.
- God is not to be equated or confused with relationship. God does not need relationship. God is an Infinite Mind. It is more profound than relationship, it is metaphysical identity. Relationship is great but should not be elevated above Truth or Consciousness.
- God will never be understood in a social dialogue or group conversation. This is fundamentally antithetical to God because God is Absolute Sovereignty of Mind. Mind must take back all its sovereignty from others. You cannot share your power with them or else you stop being God.
- The bottom line is that nothing humans create will capture God, nor is necessary to get God. God is independent of human constructions. The most intelligent thing you can do is to free your mind of all human constructions, beliefs, religion, ideologies, and needs. Then God can be seen fully right here and now, and used to enhance human life.
- Human teachings can help you have some experiences of God. However, to fully understand God you must drop all the human teachings and go it all alone to maximize your mental sovereignty and to transcend all limiting constructs.
- There are hundreds of different ways that humans could frame God to themselves. They are not all the equal. Some are better than others. And they will lead to hundreds of different kinds of mystical experiences of God. But beyond all that there is God without any human frames, which is ideal because all human frames are limitations on God’s imagination of itself.
- Look, there is nothing strictly wrong with being a Christian or a Buddhist. That just means you are God living in a Christian or Buddhist dream. That’s fine. God is so loving that it will let you dream whatever you want. If you want to live as a Christian with your wife, child, family, and community reading the Bible each Sunday, God will happily dream that dream for you. The only issue is that there is a more advanced way for God to understand itself. Does a Christian understand insanity? No. Why not? Because his view of God is far too limited and attached to the human. But what’s the point of insanity? It’s a higher Love.
- The reason you don’t need to follow Christ as your role-model is because you are God, and your Intelligence is enough for you to see Love and Good. As long as you have Intelligence, you can use that to be Christ-like. You don’t need to emulate Christ, you just need to be Intelligent. Of course, if you don’t know how to be Intelligent then Christ might be needed for you. Some people may find Intelligence too abstract. Of course, without Intelligence your love will be far shy of perfect because you are blind.
- Remember this: However you want your spirituality to be, however you NEED it to be, God will grant it to you. Because you are God. And God is self-creation. You are dreaming your dream. If you want a personal relationship with a rat-God, you can create it. Gather a group of your friends, marry each other, live in a commune, and every day worship your rat-God. Build a giant gold statue in his honor. It will work. You will feel super special. Until it all gets corrupted and turns to shit.
- Do not conflate being a good human being with realization of God. These are independent things. You can be a good human being and never understand God. And understanding God will not automatically make you a good human being. If you care more about being a good human being, this will actually be an obstacle to fully realizing God because God also includes insanity, psychopathy, and weird behavior that isn’t aligned with being a kind, polite, respectable, brotherly human. Don’t forget that crocodiles are God.
I don’t want to create the impression that you have to follow my way to God. Do whatever you want. I’m just sharing with you my best understandings of how God works. You should investigate whether what I say is true. Keep in mind that my way may be too hardcore or too impractical for most people. Maybe most people just need to be Christians, which is why Christianity exists. I do believe that people need various paths based on their various proclivities.
Very, very, very, very few humans need a full realization of God. Most of them would be just fine being Christians or Buddhists or whatever. The only reason I talk the way I do about this stuff is because I have a very unique need for truth and understanding which is utterly impractical for human life. The things I’m talking about are not even relevant to most Buddhists because most Buddhists never cared about understanding of reality. They care about something else. Do not assume that any enlightened person cares about understanding reality. The pursuit of enlightenment is not the same as the pursuit of understanding of reality. So I do have my weird views and you should wonder if they are of value to you. My bias is that I’m interested in very radical, not human aspects of Consciousness, which is why no traditional path satisfies me. But most people are not radicals so for them a traditional path may be more practical.
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