Blueprint >> Top 5 Feelings
Disclaimer: This document is in raw form as I process and distill 4 years-worth of my personal development notes. Expect some typos and cryptic language for now. I will be updating frequently and polishing up.
Prescription: Identify your top 5 feelings and commit to living them every day.
Related Concepts: Happiness, Emotional Awareness
What is the Concept of Top 5 Feelings?
The idea that you need to sit down and articulate exactly what kinds of feelings you want to feel on a consistent basis in your life. These top 5 feelings should then serve as the target for all your actions.
Why is it Important?
Most of us get lost chasing things when what we're really after are feelings. Once you articulate exactly how you want to feel, it becomes easy to measure the effectiveness of your actions. It also becomes clear which activities should be cut from your life.
Top 5 Feelings Videos

- Redesign your life to align with your purpose
- Mindsets and tools for exceptional success
Top 5 Feelings: Key Points
Happiness and fulfillment in life is about feelings, not bling or achievement. Success also tracks your feelings. The only reason you care about success is because of how it will make you feel. Let's skip straight to the point. How do you want to consistently feel? That's the important question. If you aren't clear on how you want to feel, you will waste years going down dead ends.
Do the Feelings Survey:
- What feelings to you want to experience the most on a consistent basis?
- What are the negative feelings in your life that you don't want to experience?
- Rate yourself on the feelings above.
- What is a change you could make to increase each good feeling and decrease each bad feeling?

- Redesign your life to align with your purpose
- Mindsets and tools for exceptional success