Blueprint >> Sleep

Disclaimer: This document is in raw form as I process and distill 4 years-worth of my personal development notes. Expect some typos and cryptic language for now. I will be updating frequently and polishing up.

Prescription: Sleep 7-8 hours every night.
Related Concepts: Normalize Expectations, High Performance

What is Sleep?

The idea that you should be disciplined about sleeping at least 7-8 hours every night.

Why is it Important?

You cannot perform well, either physically or mentally, without sleep. Reduced sleep for long periods of time will lead to big problems like declining healthy, unbalanced lifestyle, lower engagement and creativity, errors at work, burn out, and bad mood.

Sleep Videos

[coming soon...]

Coach Leo Gura
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Sleep: Key Points

Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night, not matter what.1 Unless you're a freak of nature, you cannot feel well or produce good results on 4 or 5 hours of sleep on a consistent basis. Don't look for a trick or a work-around, accept it as fact, make it a priority to get all the sleep you need, and enjoy it.

Choose your sleep and wake hours and set automatic alarms to keep you on track.

If you have energy problems or health problems, makes sure you're getting enough sleep.

Be disciplined and consistent with your sleep patterns.

It's really hard to control your sleep cycle by going to bed early. If you're not sleepy, you won't fall asleep. The best way to control your sleep cycle is by forcing yourself to wake up earlier and run through your whole day feeling sleepy and tired. Then you will fall asleep earlier that night and your cycle will shift.

To increase productivity, be an early riser. The reason this works is because you are able to focus better (fewer draws on your attention) and your willpower is strongest early in the day. Conversely you can be a night owl. It depends on your lifestyle and personality, but it is true that your willpower is strongest after waking up.

Use a nap, or jus lay down for a bit, to recharge during the day if you get tired.

Fix any health or psychological conditions that hinder the quality of your sleep.


  1. High Performance Academy, Brendon Burchard
Coach Leo Gura
Hire me as your coach. Super-charge your life. Email me now!
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