Blueprint >> Enlightenment
Disclaimer: This document is in raw form as I process and distill 4 years-worth of my personal development notes. Expect some typos and cryptic language for now. I will be updating frequently and polishing up.
Prescription: Understand enlightenment. Seek enlightenment.
Related Concepts: Meditation, Meaning of Life, Contemplate Death, Self-Actualization
What is Enlightenment?
Why is it Important?
It's one of the best peak experiences and highest levels of personal development that can attain. Enlightenment leads to peace, emotional imperturbability, happiness, and detachment from outcome.
Enlightenment Videos
[coming soon...]

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Enlightenment: Key Points
Enlightenment is a state in which you lose your ego and see the oneness of reality. It makes you impartial, not driven by your thoughts or emotions. It's a state you can achieve only through a long, painful process of contemplation and questioning. This process usually takes years if done consistently, and never if done half-assed.
- Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing, Jed McKenna
- The Book of Not Knowing, Peter Ralston
- The Book of Understanding, Osho

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