Blueprint >> Charged Life

Disclaimer: This document is in raw form as I process and distill 4 years-worth of my personal development notes. Expect some typos and cryptic language for now. I will be updating frequently and polishing up.

Prescription: Commit to living a charged life.
Related Concepts: Self-Actualization, Life Purpose, Motivation

What is the Charge Life?

The idea that there are 3 types of life you can lead: the caged life, the comfortable life, the charged life, and that living the charged life takes commitment.

Why is it Important?

Most of us what to live an exciting, successful life but don't realize that unless we make a conscious commitment, the default position is to live a mediocre life. Getting a taste for what's possible is the first step in generating the motivation to pursue it.

Charged Life Videos

Coach Leo Gura
Hire me as your coach. Super-charge your life. Email me now!
  • Redesign your life to align with your purpose
  • Mindsets and tools for exceptional success

Charge Life: Key Points

You basically have 3 types of lives you could live. Most people don't realize this and choose a caged or comfortable life by default. Now that you know better, you need to make a choice. 3 types of life:1

  • Caged life — miserable and frustrating. Driven by avoidance of pain and fear. Stuck in the pain-body. Bitter. Blames others, society, god, or bad fortune. Very limited range of life experiences. Poor mental and physical health. Poor relationships. Ignorance. Controlled by social conditioning. Unconscious.
  • Comfortable life — moderately successful and really comfortable. Lack of motivation. Living other people's standards. Competing against others. Seeking external happiness from status, money, material possessions, and approval. Immersed in social conditioning. Frustrated knowing that you could be living bigger. Unconscious.
  • Self-actualized life — living your highest ideals and giving your gift. Optimistic, passionate, and charged up. Contributing positively to the world. Resilient, strong, independent, confident. Excellent mental and physical health. Excellent relationships. Worldly, knowledgeable, and conscious. Always improving. Consistently happy.


  1. High Performance Academy, Brendon Burchard
Coach Leo Gura
Hire me as your coach. Super-charge your life. Email me now!
  • Redesign your life to align with your purpose
  • Mindsets and tools for exceptional success