Blueprint >> Be a Creator
Disclaimer: This document is in raw form as I process and distill 4 years-worth of my personal development notes. Expect some typos and cryptic language for now. I will be updating frequently and polishing up.
Prescription: Be a creator.
Related Concepts: Life Purpose, Provide Value, Constructive vs. Destructive Thinking, Career, Be World Class
What is it to Be a Creator?
The idea that you should see yourself as a creator. Regardless of what you do, make your work your creation and see yourself as a talented artist.
Why is it Important?
If you don't see yourself as a creator, you will never accomplish anything big. You will also never experience one of the greatest joys in life — creating something beautiful.
"When you create, as a consequence, many of the difficulties of your life will either disappear or cease being important."2
Be a Creator Videos
[coming soon...]

- Redesign your life to align with your purpose
- Mindsets and tools for exceptional success
Be a Creator: Key Points
See yourself as a creator. A creator is simply someone who creates. A creator could create buildings, recipes, blueprints, dresses, books, new ways of thinking, political change, music, artwork, or even a child. Being a creator doesn't mean you have to be artistically creative. A creator is simply someone who takes joy in bringing new things into existence.
See yourself as an artist. Artist = Creator. An artist isn't just someone who paints or does "artistic" things, but more generally, someone who creates with passion and takes his work personally. Art involves risk-taking, emotional labor, courage, unconventional thinking, vulnerability, and hard work. Artists are the ones that have the most value in business and society in the 21st century because they are on the cutting edge. You don't want to be a commodity worker.3
In being a creator you have unlimited power. You can create new things out of thin air all the time. You are driven by positive, intrinsic motivation that doesn't run out as your accomplish your goals. You spend most of your time thinking about what you want to create versus thinking about problems. You are not concerned about what others around you are doing because your creations are unique and valuable. You are proactive, not reactive.
Be a creator, not a competitor. Position yourself in life, especially with your work/career, as someone whose value stems from creating — bringing new things into the world — and not from competing. Being a competitor means that you're fighting for a limited resource (limited number of customers, limited top positions, etc). This isn't smart. It puts you into a scarcity mindset. A creator is abundant-minded because he knows he can generate value out of thin air without worrying about what others are doing.1
There are two basic structures by which you can life your life: solving problems or creating what you want. When you're solving problems, you're trying to avoid pain. But more problems will always come up, so you will oscillate between having what you want and then losing it. The closer you get to your goal, the less action you will tend to take. When you're creating what you want, you're driven by vision. Pursuing a vision keeps you motivated till the very end.2
Points about being a creator:
- A creator is motivated simply by the desire for the creation to exist, not money or fame.
- Ask yourself, "What do I want?" Dissatisfaction is not a valid motive. You have to want something positive.
- "Once you settle the question of what you want, it won't be clear how to go about getting it, or if it is even possible."2 That's okay. Separate what you want from questions of possibility.
- What is possible to create? The truth is, you don't know.
- When you create, process if functional. Don't be attached to any one process. What you really care about is the end result.
- The gap between what exists now and what you want to exist generates your drive to act.
- The creative process:
- Conceive the result you want
- Know what currently exists
- Take action
- Learn the rhythms of the creative process
- Build momentum
- The Science of Success, Wallace Wattles
- Path of Least Resistance, Robert Fritz
- Linchpin, Seth Godin

- Redesign your life to align with your purpose
- Mindsets and tools for exceptional success